What Professions should I choose?
hi all, im new here... just going to be starting playing GW. and ive used the search and read through the FAQs and still havent found anything. its mainly i cant choose. of all these races/profesions i cant decide. sorry for the seriously newbish question but can yall help me? what would u suggest i take? any and all help is greatly apreciated.
Anything. You have four character slots, mix and match. Play all four characters at once and see what you like best. Delete the others and try different combinations.
In pre sear you start as once class and take on another... but during this time, you are given the chance to try out all the classes, secondary though. Still, this gives you a feel for that class and the possibilities. Still, you have 4 slots, and lets not forget, you can change your secondary class about halfway through the game to any of the other classes. (after doing a mission or two...)
Start making a new character without worrying too much about what you already know about them. Sometimes people make decisions at the character creation screen itself. Additionally, you can play with one of the PvP premades which may give you a feel of the different professions.
There is no bad choice. Every single combination of professions has some benefit. Stop trying to look for the best, because you wont find one.
There is no bad choice. Every single combination of professions has some benefit. Stop trying to look for the best, because you wont find one.
Stealthy Trapper
If you're just starting off and you want to learn the game before you really get started with the character you would really like to play, then choose W/M. It is the easiest to start, find groups, solo, whatever you wanna do.
Caged Fury
No one class is really better than another class. They are all balanced to an extent, each have advantage and disadvantages, against certain foes, other classes, and quests/missions. The choice will be down to what style of play you enjoy.
For example,
Warrior = Hack and slash with a weapon of your choice.
Ele = Throwing fireballs and nuking until the cows come home.
Necro = Create armies of minions from dead friends or foes.
Mesmer = Make people hurt themselves if they want to hurt you.
Ranger = Stay away and damage them from a distance.
Monk = Look after team mates and smite down those you don't like.
blah, blah, blah
The best thing to do is try each of them out in pre-searing. Even then your selection may change later as you play. I started with Warrior, Mesmer, Necro and Ele. After a being in post-searing for some time, I deleted and recreated. Now my 4 characters are Warrior, Mesmer, Ranger and Monk. The Mesmer and Monk are the ones I enjoy playing most.
For example,
Warrior = Hack and slash with a weapon of your choice.
Ele = Throwing fireballs and nuking until the cows come home.
Necro = Create armies of minions from dead friends or foes.
Mesmer = Make people hurt themselves if they want to hurt you.
Ranger = Stay away and damage them from a distance.
Monk = Look after team mates and smite down those you don't like.
blah, blah, blah
The best thing to do is try each of them out in pre-searing. Even then your selection may change later as you play. I started with Warrior, Mesmer, Necro and Ele. After a being in post-searing for some time, I deleted and recreated. Now my 4 characters are Warrior, Mesmer, Ranger and Monk. The Mesmer and Monk are the ones I enjoy playing most.
hmm, i guess thnx guys. i looked through the guild wars guru site and decided on a ranger. thnx again.
Stealthy Trapper
Rangers are very fun. Thats what I started with, but be warned, you will be BROKE for most of the first part of the game. Hard to make gold with a ranger (unless you are experienced in the game and know what you are doing). Make sure you find a good guild that will help you along the way.
wat would u say is a good balanced character then? havent gone around to making it yet. i first had to return the gam and exchange it due to a defected "disc one".
also, when i started the game, before i make a character it asks me to choose between roleplaying and pvp. ehich should i choose?
also, when i started the game, before i make a character it asks me to choose between roleplaying and pvp. ehich should i choose?
Swampgirl Inez
role-playing if you want to play through the storyline and pvp if you just want to fight other people
I have no idea what the previous poster means by not making money as a ranger. Just pick up everything that drops and sell it (wisely) to the merchants and traders.
I have no idea what the previous poster means by not making money as a ranger. Just pick up everything that drops and sell it (wisely) to the merchants and traders.
alright ill be going pvp then. if i have nay other questions ill be sure to post. and once i get the character up ill give yall a screenshot(once i learn how to do it)
I would actually create a roleplaying player first - it will teach you some of the basics about the game and how to use skills. PvP throws you right into the mix assuming you know most of that already.
while making it when i press create it says that i have not chosen any skills. but the problem is all the skills are locked. any specifi way i should arrange my atributes in the begining?
Fungus Amongus
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
I would actually create a roleplaying player first - it will teach you some of the basics about the game and how to use skills. PvP throws you right into the mix assuming you know most of that already.
Best advice for you yet. It's hard to learn to play the game by sitting around dead. Learn the basic game mechanics and get used to the controls before you dive into PvP.
alright, ill do that first then, but some help with the atributes please? i have them spread around pretty evenly between everything. good or bad?
Fungus Amongus
Originally Posted by ConeHead2467
alright, ill do that first then, but some help with the atributes please? i have them spread around pretty evenly between everything. good or bad?
With a PvE player you will get 5 attribute points per level until level 10, after which you will get 10 points per level. Take the PvE route and get a feel for things. It will be easier for you to decide how to place your attribute points when you only have 5, 10, 15, 20, etc to spend. You can always reset your points any which way you like while you are in a town or outpost. Its open for experimentation. Have Fun!
Definately start with a PvE character. It teaches you the basics of the game, and of course, you will unlock skills for PvP later. Other than skills and gameplay knowledge you'll probably want to make some friends and find a guild, both of which are really hard to do if you start with PvP.
Technically, I know there really isnt a "best" class for the game. However, I will argue that a W/Mo is the best for PvE , since it is probably the easiest character to farm/run with (also other reasons). Thus, if you really dont care which class you start with, I suggest W/Mo simply because it can get you the cash to make playing later characters easier.
Technically, I know there really isnt a "best" class for the game. However, I will argue that a W/Mo is the best for PvE , since it is probably the easiest character to farm/run with (also other reasons). Thus, if you really dont care which class you start with, I suggest W/Mo simply because it can get you the cash to make playing later characters easier.
im doing the role playing for now untill i get the hang of the game like you guys said. real fun. lol. i still have ALOT to learn tho.
and excer, i started with a ranger. so far so good. and im in a group thingermabober with this one other guy. hes helpin me along the way.
Well I do not feel anyone has the right to tell you what to do with your characters, however I would suggest picking builds that do not require too much responsiblity if you are just getting started. For example my friend just bought the game and became a healing monk... long story short without my help he does not last very long.
Anyway have fun with whatever you choose.
Anyway have fun with whatever you choose.
yep. thanks again guys.
wow... what kinda question is this? its like saying, "what kind of women should i like?" /thinkforyourself.
be a warrior/monk and concentrate 100% on healing
be a warrior/monk and concentrate 100% on healing