Ironmines Energy Surge
I was looking for the skill Energy Surge (elite mesmer).
On a site i found out that it can be found during the Iron Mines mission.
So i thought i'd give it a try
Now it was my luck that the verry last boss was the boss i needed
But i made it, i got my skill, leveled up and finished the mission
I was so happy after that i just have to share it with you all
On a site i found out that it can be found during the Iron Mines mission.
So i thought i'd give it a try
Now it was my luck that the verry last boss was the boss i needed
But i made it, i got my skill, leveled up and finished the mission
I was so happy after that i just have to share it with you all
exact same thing happened to me with my mesmer..last boss. but it was also during the time when the mission was bugged so i couldnt beat it
I should say grats, but that mission is so friggin easy.
but it probably is very long... at leaest 45 mins right?
Looks like I got some traveling to do, can that skill be capped from any other location?
Jack Lost
im pretty sure you cna also cap it in THK from the mursaat mesmer boss, but yea i capped that skill in iron mines. took a while without infused henchies =/
yep same when i did it with my necro ran all around going could it be the next one could it!! ended up being the last one and since we had cleard the whole side the grp just decided to do the bonus well so it all worked out in the end
or u could of took bridge to the left and gone straight to the bosses...
but it is alot harder since the henchies arent infused
but its possible
but it is alot harder since the henchies arent infused
but its possible
I looked through my skill... I already capped Energy Surge but not in Iron Mines... wish I could remember where I got it lol. Probably somewhere in the fire island.
you can cap it between thunderhead keep and marhans grotto from a random mesmer mursaat boss
Originally Posted by Mavrik
Looks like I got some traveling to do, can that skill be capped from any other location?
Deviance made this thread awhile ago, shows where the unnamed mursaat bosses in Ice Floe are.
edit- bleh, cant find the link :l
edit- bleh, cant find the link :l
maybe i wrote the thread all wrong.
the point was: i made the whole mission on lvl 13 with only hench.
maybe i said to much about the skill.
the point was: i made the whole mission on lvl 13 with only hench.
maybe i said to much about the skill.
congrats you did the mission with henchies at lvl 13, here your crude drawn cookie
thats all your accomplishment is worth im afraid, people much lower lvl then you and a long time ago were doing this all the time
thats all your accomplishment is worth im afraid, people much lower lvl then you and a long time ago were doing this all the time
Ashleigh McMahon
Well done- It's always an acomplishment to capture a new elite