New prof.
I have a grande idea for a new profession! I shall call it, a samurai! one thing i might add is that this should NOT cost adreniline. it costs energy
Speed (primary): With each rank in this atribute, your attacks are 1% faster. If you give it 10 ranks then tuh-duh! you attack 10% faster. simple 1st grade math.
Katana master: So, you've seen sword mastery, hammer mastery, bow mastery, dagger master, axe mastery, and now, katana mastery! Just like all the others, this effects your skills with a katana (thats what they use). They names of some skills would be like, swift strike: an attack that strikes 33% as fast as normal. if swift strike hits, it deals ___ slashing damage, or....puncture: If this attack hits, target foe begins bleeding for ___ seconds and that pesrons action is interupted. Stuff like that
nature atutment: its like being one with nature, what i mean is that it helps skills that give you advantages during battle like being able to dodge an attack and other things like that. some more skills could be, meditation: stance: you have a ___chance to evade an attack. when you evade an attack this way you gain _____ energy.
still thinkin of more atributes
Speed (primary): With each rank in this atribute, your attacks are 1% faster. If you give it 10 ranks then tuh-duh! you attack 10% faster. simple 1st grade math.
Katana master: So, you've seen sword mastery, hammer mastery, bow mastery, dagger master, axe mastery, and now, katana mastery! Just like all the others, this effects your skills with a katana (thats what they use). They names of some skills would be like, swift strike: an attack that strikes 33% as fast as normal. if swift strike hits, it deals ___ slashing damage, or....puncture: If this attack hits, target foe begins bleeding for ___ seconds and that pesrons action is interupted. Stuff like that
nature atutment: its like being one with nature, what i mean is that it helps skills that give you advantages during battle like being able to dodge an attack and other things like that. some more skills could be, meditation: stance: you have a ___chance to evade an attack. when you evade an attack this way you gain _____ energy.
still thinkin of more atributes
Seems it will be almost exactly like Assassin, except with the primary attribute being speed (which is actually what I hoped it would be for Assassin.), with a diferent weapon line. I could be wrong but I think a Samurai and an Assassin are pretty much the same thing.
What about making it a creative challenge? Asking people to come up with a nice Samurai Concept class that would be differnt from a War or Assassin.
Xue Yi Liang
As much as I love samurai swords, I hate samurai... Idea sounds ok but just not a samurai, they just don't fit.
Oh well at least it was not another stupid Rogue thread.
Oh well at least it was not another stupid Rogue thread.
heh, i tried
Originally Posted by Flyte
I could be wrong but I think a Samurai and an Assassin are pretty much the same thing.
I don't like the Assassin either...
You could have just edited your post you know.
You could have just edited your post you know.
Originally Posted by Ultimate_Gaara
You could have just edited your post you know.
Well usualy these proffesion suggestion threads do not go over very well for the person suggesting it.
well how was i suposed to know? its not like i can come here and say, oh i better not do this because people will not like it
Well im not saying its just you, I mean there have been so many " New prof" topics which have little to no thought put into them so naturaly people become less willing to read any new suggestions of the sort. At least thats they way I see it, after seeing 900 Rogue suggestions I find it hard to click on a "New prof" topic with an open mind.
Soul Shaker
Quiet canadian! :P (sorry, i just had to do that, aussies are gettin picked on almost as much, so don't worry...)
Samurai, ninja and rogue have been suggested so many times that it just isn't even possible to count. We need a class that goes somewhere in between a warrior and spellcaster. the ranger is almost the answer, the assassin is still too close to warrior. If you can think of a middle class or totally outlandish class, then suggest it.
Samurai, ninja and rogue have been suggested so many times that it just isn't even possible to count. We need a class that goes somewhere in between a warrior and spellcaster. the ranger is almost the answer, the assassin is still too close to warrior. If you can think of a middle class or totally outlandish class, then suggest it.
Quid Pro Quo
I like this idea. I personally love being a fast swordsman and warriors just don't fulfill that. Don't get me started on assassains, ugh.
Ohhhhh I know ... why not make a new class .... the Paladin ....
isnt that somewhere between a warrior and a spell caster )
isnt that somewhere between a warrior and a spell caster )
Soul Shaker
So far ranger seems to be the closest...yeah, let's just make whamo a whole new class! I can see it...Whamo/R! Now they can heal, tank AND piss you off with tiger's fury and iway...
What the hell,
Soul Shaker
Yes, we already know about it! Read the first line. It says this one was a little flushed out so he made a new one. I made that same mistake too, but really, don't just reply, read the posts above....
You shouldn't be suprised no one is giving you a thumbs up. Its a tired concept thats been brought up many times on the board and each time it ends up with most players saying its a bad idea.
The only worse idea is ninja.
The only worse idea is ninja.
I still ay i like, the only reason the others walk away sad is that the others dont suport them. its not my fault i didnt know that a bilion other people brought it up, i didnt know, and you people always expect everyone to know that. if you dont like the idea then just dont post here at all.
Valdaran Longfoot
Originally Posted by longboringname
nature atutment: its like being one with nature, what i mean is that it helps skills that give you advantages during battle like being able to dodge an attack and other things like that. some more skills could be, meditation: stance: you have a ___chance to evade an attack. when you evade an attack this way you gain _____ energy.
still thinkin of more atributes |
Originally Posted by BellyFlop