Dom Shutdown Build

Tyrin Vermada

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Lords of the Sith [SITH]


15 Dom
11 Insp
10 Fast Casting
4 Illusion

1) Power Block
2) Power Drain
3) Wastrels Worry/Cry of Frustration
4) Diversion
5) Distortion
6) Shatter Enchantment
7) Drain Enchantment
8) Ressurect/Res Sig

Harass monks with Diversion and Wastrels worry, Power block whatever you think would help the team most. If you're trying to shutdown a Prot boon monk, just wait for them to cast guardian and power block them.

What do you guys think?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2005

Final Dynasty

I'd definetely drop Fast Casting down and run a 590 build.

Wastre's Worry is horrible, take Cry of Frustration and get rid of the "/" although .

I'd take Rebirth instead of Resurrect so you can get people out of sticky situations.

Power Block isn't the strongest elite in my opinion, I'd run either Martyr or Glyph of Renewal.

Tyrin Vermada

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Lords of the Sith [SITH]


i've tried the glyph build, but i just really like power block. Anyways, heres the glyph build i use. I guess its more versatile and allows for diversion spam.

1)Power Drain
2)Energy Burn
5)Shatter Enchantment
6)Drain Enchantment
7)Glyph of Renewal
8)Ressurection Signet

I've thought about switching something out for shatter hex, but i dunno what i would take out.




Join Date: Aug 2005

Hong Kong



Unless this is PvP. Then Rebirth would be useless.



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

Res sig for your res slot, Glyph of renewal is nicer for elite, wastrel's with diversion is not a horrible skill.

The glyph build shown isn't bad, maybe drop shatter enchant or energy burn for shatter hex / hex breaker.

Tyrin Vermada

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Lords of the Sith [SITH]


I dont think i would take out shatter enchantment, but i have considered losing energy burn for shatter hex.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Wastrel's Worry is a kickin skill! It forces your opponent to do something or take dmg where most of what a mesmer does is exactly the opposite. One of my favorite things is to spam it on one or two people in the Random Arena and get them all worried and frustrated and then they waste energy, take dmg, and overall play less effectively.

I like to use after hitting someone with Power Block (another skill that is exceptional) or after diversion.
It is also great 'added bonus' dmg when you put it on someone and then Power Spike their next spell. They can either sit and take the ~60 dmg from WW or cast and take ~100 from PS followed by the ~60 from WW.

Tyrin Vermada

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Lords of the Sith [SITH]


So i have been playing around with this glyph build again, and I still think I prefer the power block build. I mean, with the power block build, i can shut someone down with PB, then diversion someone else. When PB comes off, i can stick diversion on them for a total of 21 second shutdown. With glyph, i can throw 3 diversions consecutively for a maximum of 18 seconds of shutdown. I have no way of covering 2 people with the glyph build. The glyph build is definately better for enchant stripping, but meh, i still have 2.