

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006



I was just wondering what the best Sword upgrades are and if you can use more then one upgrade on 1 sword lol this is sad that i dont know because i am a lvl 18 but still lol

thanks everyone.................. tried searching couldnt find anything for somereason


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Save The Dragons


yes you can use two different type of sword upgrades on one sword one is a pommle and the other is a hilt as for the best i don't really know it also really depends and what you want extra armor, longer time on enchantments and such


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


What about a icy dragon sword can u use a hilt on that ? and is there a better pommel then +30hp?

Capitan Del Queso

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Pacific Time Zone

Pheonix Ascension

The icy dragon sword has a permanent icy hilt built-in that cannot be replaced, just like the fiery dragon sword has a built-in fiery hilt. A pommel of fortitude cannot give more than 30 hp.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


there is no "best upgrade", it all depends on the situation and your skillset.

as for pommels/grips : when you're purely taking direct damage, +5 armor is better than +30HP statistically, however, as degen ignores armor, when fighting a degen pressure team, +30HP might just save your ass. same goes for the +7 vs physical or vs elemental, while they give +2 more than the basic +5 vs all, it only counts for 1 type of damage, and therefor, it might be good in one situation, and completely useless in another

as for hafts/hilts/strings : same applies here, but it also depends on your build. If you rely on degen pressure through poison, a ranger might pick a string that lengthens that poison duration. same goes for all other duration enhancing mods : if they fit your build they can be very good. Vampiric ads a nice deal of damage, but you do lose health because of it (unless you hit stuff all the time, but that rarely happens). Sundering is pretty worthless imo, Furious can be ok on adrenalin heavy builds. zealous during battles is a very nice way to keep up your energy pool.

conclusion : it depends on the situation and what build you're using, there are no "best mods"



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



Yeah, as other said there is no best upgrade, it all depends on what you need to do.
For example I have a firey and icey swords and use them with conjure ice and conjure fire. This way I get more damage.

As for when tanking, I use one with double adrenaline, this way I can get more to use some of the adrenaline skills.

Its all about suffix and prefix.

Nice link that explains all mods
