are you guys looking forward to GWGC 2???
cirtanly lots of people have viewd the first issue, i just want to know what you thort, and if your looking forward to the rest?
I'm still waiting +_+.
Its difficult to make a judgement with only one issue, especially since it reflects little of the GW universe. Churn something out! +Waves Malinon's.+
Its difficult to make a judgement with only one issue, especially since it reflects little of the GW universe. Churn something out! +Waves Malinon's.+
Yes, the first one was a kickass start and you are a kickass comic artist! Looking forward to the rest of your series!


well the wait will soon be over. but for now here is something i thikn you might like
That was deliciously funny. Reminds me of all those people that die playin 54 hours straight.
<---Wants more.

That was deliciously funny. Reminds me of all those people that die playin 54 hours straight.
<---Wants more.