This isn't really technical, it's in game so I didn't post it in the techy section. Also, my searches did not come up with anything. I've bugged about this for awhile, but no luck
I won a few rounds yesterday in tombs with PUGs, went all the way to HoH after like 3-6 rounds (restarted like once or something cause we lost), and then lost. Funny thing is, my fame stayed the same the whole time. I mean, sure we didn't take it, but didn't advancing give any?
Maybe it's just me :P if no one else has this problem, I'll just give it a rest. But just checking.
Fame Bug?
same here, it pretty much sucks, until u make it ot HoH no fame, pretty depressing if u ask me.
Well, you do get a little bit. 1 for winning the second fight. 2 for the next, etc. You just don't get much till you win HoH in a row a bunch of times and get 20+ fame per win.
I won like 2-3 times in a row, no fame.
Mario 64 Master
Yeah I experienced this one today too. Started at 30 fame, won 2 matches, ended at 30 fame. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.
it used to be 1 fame for 1 team vs 1 team
3 fame for 3 team matches and 6 for 6 team matches some where along the line it got nerfed..
3 fame for 3 team matches and 6 for 6 team matches some where along the line it got nerfed..
Tombs is not casual friendly >=(