I am pretty much out of quests and have no idea what to do now.
I have been to the Breach and done quests there and been all the way to Fort Ranik as well.
How do I get moved on to places like Lion's Arch?
Where can I get more quests?
Where can I go to actually start finding gear that isn't complete crap?
Advice Needed for lvl 9 war/elem: What next?
Talk to Sir Tydius in Ascalon. A lot of people seem to ask this but he is the first NPC u see when you enter the world, i guess if you just rush down and dont talk to him u dont get it. Apparently they changed it so its supposed to be more obvious now, but if pple are still asking i guess its still not so obvious after all =P
Enter the mission chain. First step is to go to the Great Northern Wall, complete that. Several missions later you'll find yourself in Lion's Arch.
Originally Posted by fawgre
Enter the mission chain. First step is to go to the Great Northern Wall, complete that. Several missions later you'll find yourself in Lion's Arch.
Where the heck is this?
I went all over the place and all along the wall but the only place I could go was into the breach.
Is the Great Northern Wall *inside* town or something? I feel like an idiot that I cannot find this and the Squire Zachery guy.
GNW is, indeed, inside the town. Head up to where Tydus is, walk up the stairs, turn right, follow path.
Thanks. I feel really stupid now.......