Rant About Rank

Cecil Barracks

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Stars of Destiny


So, I've been playing Guild Wars since just about when it came out. I have a Warrior 20 (Who's secondary switches between R/Me/Mo), ascended, finished the game, and then some. In addition to him I have a Ranger/Me Trapper, 18, in the Desert. Recently I've made an IW Mesmer/Warrior. I beat the game with Cecil (Warrior) and has since just been small-time farming for some cash (Mind you, enough to have top notch gear and what not), helping guildies, and friends. I PVP mostly on Random Arenas because it feels a lot more enjoyable when you know that both teams are going in with strangers, and not highly structured teams. I like the whole 50/50 concept.


Today I decided, "Lets try Heros Ascent!"

In the past I had done it (When it was Tombs) and gotten a measly 21 Fame from that one run. Since then I've pretty much avoided it. Like I said, sometimes it feels like you have no chance against those crazy Koreans. Random is more for me.


I go in without my IWAY build, just another Eviscerate -> Axe Rake -> Axe Twist -> Executioners damage combo. I quickly found a pretty n00b team, but hell we made it through the Ascent, and right into the first battle quickly. For a pick up group we weren't bad. Into the first battle! It was DEAD even between the teams. No one was dying. Period. Finally one of our Monks had to go, eventually we lost.

Back to the Desert.

I changed my secondary to Ranger, got my IWAY build up, and went directly back to Heroes Ascent.

"Whoa I'm lucky!" I thought.

Many parties were spamming for IWAY Warriors.

So I PM one who said you had to have teamspeak. Lucky me, I have teamspeak! So I ask him,

"IP address?"

And he tells me,

"Emote first."

I sigh.

"Well, you see, I'm not ra-"

And I was kicked.

To spare you details, this happened maybe 5 or 6 times before I had to log off in pure disgust at the community in Heroes Ascent.

You've got to be kidding me. The people there refuse to take anyone "unranked" (unless you are in a crappy group). This is one huge goddamn circle.

People new to Heroes can't get in groups -> No Rank -> No Group -> No Rank -> No Group.

How do these numbskulled "Pros" expect to get people WITH fame in their group when all they do is deny people the right to get it?

I had snobby people who think they are "leet" so they can reject people who are "insuperior" to them, because somehow, someway my ranking makes me worse than any other IWAY Warrior, regardless of the fact that I may have played the game 2/3/4x as long as they have.




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

BC, Canada.. how aboot that eh?

Im not a fan of rank either but as far as I know rants do not last too long on this forum.

crazy diamond

crazy diamond

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

The sad thing is that rank isn't even worth much at all anymore with IWAY teams farming fame.

I knew rank was screwed when I went into HA the other night and saw IWAY teams looking for rank 6-9 members.

So now you get elitists who don't even deserve to act elitist.

And don't even get me started on folks who ask for your rank in PvE.