Ettins crazy nerfed?!?!?
Mr D J
OK, I went farming ettins today in the morning, got 2 purple and about 40-50 white armors, I come back home after 10 hours and still get tons of white armors, 0 golds... Is anyone experiencing same thing or is it just my bad luck? I did about 15 runs and this is what i get...
nah i had that and i got the same cept 1 gold 3 purps and maybe 2 blues and alot of whites but then again i didnt do to many runs
Drop decay kicking in... soon they will be like griffons just there to get some coin and nothing else.
I have found out something about this Ettin farming, that farming at night around 10 o, clock uk time they drop lots of gold rune things i have got a few sup vigors and a lot of ranger and warrior runes but i do argee they are dropping much less now they are starting to drop blue things witch used to be purple
Stealthy Trapper
Well correct me if I am wrong (which I am sure someone will,gurus don't let anything get through) but I have always heard and noticed that if your current server(American,Europe,etc.) does not have favor then drops start to suck real bad. You can still get a good drop when you don't have favor but the number of these good drops decrease greatly. Just what I have noticed in the past 7 months. So don't bash me if I am wrong ,
No, Ettin's are not 'crazy nerfed'.
It's either
-Bad luck
-Anti-Farming Code
It also looks like this thread is rolling with false speculations, so...
It's either
-Bad luck
-Anti-Farming Code
It also looks like this thread is rolling with false speculations, so...
...I think somebody forgot to hit the "close" button...
Poison Ivy
WOOT, lets spam it till they notice!
Anyways, Stealth Trapper is correct, having the favor does increase the chance of getting better items/loot.
Anyways, Stealth Trapper is correct, having the favor does increase the chance of getting better items/loot.
I've gotten a few gold on some runs even without favor, so i think it's just more about having luck and not farming the same spot too much
*pokes chris_nin00*