Pre-Sear Ascalon!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

I wonder if anyone has done this yet...but myself and a guildie killed the Charrs that burned down Ascalon in Pre-Sear! Does that mean Ascalon is saved?
I wonder who else has done this yet. If anyone had done, post away too!

Heres the screenie!



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Darwin, Australia

yeah i did it for a total of +8 morale bonus.

There are more charr around the area tho.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

kill all the charrs in pre-searing ascalon and maybe MAYBE u'll end up in a different story

Digital Limit

Digital Limit

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Wow, you can really do that? That's pretty awesome. I tried to kill the Charr north of the wall near the quest up there, and they massacred my friend and I. What was your strategy? Simply have one of you heal the entire time or something? I could try it again with my Mesmer character who is still in pre, but I doubt we'd be able to manage killing those beasts.




Join Date: May 2005


Well, when you go on the mission with Sir Tydus.. instead of ending up in post-searing Ascalon.. you'll end up in Carebear Kingdom, which is rulled over by...

BARNEY the purple dinosaur!!!!

I love you.. you love me..

*quickly dons fireproof suit*


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Yeah my guildie and I decided to kill all the Charrs in the surrounding area so none of them can walk in while we were taking our pictures. I gained 1 level from doing that whole thing.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2005

Orlando, FL

Yes, it takes time but it can be done.
May be the actual cause of the Searing.
( Holy War to revenge the shrine desecration. )



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Defenders of Gods


My wife and I have done it a couple of times...

Lard Taylor

Lard Taylor

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

Barrie, ON, Canada

Balthazar's Knights


Originally Posted by kamatsu
Well, when you go on the mission with Sir Tydus.. instead of ending up in post-searing Ascalon.. you'll end up in Carebear Kingdom, which is rulled over by...

BARNEY the purple dinosaur!!!!

I love you.. you love me..

*quickly dons fireproof suit* Damn, and I could have met Barney. Woulda killed him too.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Tel Aviv, Israel


how the heck can you kill them in such a low lvl?
i crossed the wall today with a friend of mine, we are both lvl 7, and a bunch of lvl 8 charrs OWNED us in like... 2 seconds!

Titus Deathbrynger

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Cleared it also with my girlfriend at level 7. I wrote an extensive reply on it earlier today in another thread. There are various ways. Takes awhile though.

Guillaume De Sonoma

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005



Yeah it would benice if you could stop the searing and keep everything green. But the game designers don't care about us wanting to see a beautiful place full of rolling hills and lots of flowers. On second thought I'm happy about the searing.

Saridley Kronah

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Australia, Sydney


I did it also with my friend and ascalon still got seared ... Stupid charrs with their time machines going back in time past when u killed them and searing ascalon.