2 computers and guildwars.
Ok, I have 2 computers hooked up to a router, so both computers have the internet. I have guild wars installed on computer 1. If I were to install guild wars on computer 2, could I run the client on each one of the computers and connect to the same account? For example, if I log onto my account with both my computers, can I technically run myself places? Is this possible or as anyone tried?
won't work, first client that was connected will receive a msg that another client connected on that account and will be disconnected. Buy a 2nd account and run yourself to desert lol
Marodac Evilbane
not possible. The second would kick out the first of your account. This is to prevent account theft.
Originally Posted by Marodac Evilbane
not possible. The second would kick out the first of your account. This is to prevent account theft.