Hearty Dune Lizard Pics Plz :d
hello can any one post a pic of a hearty dune lizard or a hearty anything pet plz it would be nice
Cyan The Archer
Say hi to Hearty Lizard Nellie
The Son Of Morgoth
hi nellie!
Any chance for a size-comparison shot with a normal-sized toon ?
If that is a pet, then the size would vary. Pets grow as they level up, so it wouldn't do much seeing the size comparison.
hmm looks normal
Hmm, I have never seen anyone with a Dune Lizard as a pet before. That one does not really look like he is too full of life and ready for action.
*pokes with staff*
Dune Lizards don't get bigger as far as I know. I picked one up on an old char and levelled it to about level 12 and it didn't seem to increase in size at all.
It's gradual, so maybe you never noticed.
I took my hearty lvl16 lizard outside Amnoon to get some shots with the lvl 5 ones. However, trying to get them to pose together prompted some aggro, resulting in the death of the free-range lizard. I think Baragon, my pet, is about 20% larger. The tail is longer, and he's slightly more barrel-chested.
bow user thing
My lvl 20 Hearty dune lizard..
Zomg t hat looks like a dragon ^^
prodigy ming
did the lizard really grew that much bigger??? or did you just have a small ranger?
brute blake
whats the differnece between a hearty and a normal lizard..
my rangers lvl 14 with a lvl 9 stalker i dunno?
my rangers lvl 14 with a lvl 9 stalker i dunno?
Former Ruling
hearty means it does less dmg, has more health, and is larger in size.
I've seen smaller Characters (like the 4 ft monks and such) acutally look like they could ride an Allies Dune Lizard like a horse.
I've seen smaller Characters (like the 4 ft monks and such) acutally look like they could ride an Allies Dune Lizard like a horse.
large pets ftw. and for the last time(old thread), its not photoshopped. kthx.
meet daxter.
he's only level 19, and yes my ranger is short. but he is still a very large bird.
meet daxter.
he's only level 19, and yes my ranger is short. but he is still a very large bird.
You two seem happy together.
(Just look to the expression on the bird's face. Lovely.)
(Just look to the expression on the bird's face. Lovely.)