I have just started hearing about this fiery flame spitter axe, so I decided to grab a few scorched loadstones and see if it was as they said.... the thread is almost a month old that i heard about it on but JEEZE
its only HALF of what people said it was
has it been nerfed to hell?
From what I was told it was
half spell recharge 10% chance
enchantments last 20% longer...
I find the guy and I see
Fiery flame spitter
half spell recharge 10% chance
-10 armor while attacking.
Was it always this or was it nerfed? I got all these loadstones for nothing
Fiery flame spitter... NERFED?
Fox Reeveheart
It's been nerfed for awhile..
Two April Mornings
its like what u said, its just that u have to add the 20% urself
it used to be 15% skill recharge a while ago
it used to be 15% skill recharge a while ago
That took you all of, what, 15 minutes? Quit whining.
@ the OP: Please use search next time. Closed.