Hi i dunno where to put this but call of protection is listed as having an 11 second recharge, when it is infact 115, i think the guild wars skill recharge column is only fit for 2 digits, that needs fixing ^^
Call of protection recharge time
Maybe I should /bug this a few dozen more times to make sure they get the message...
Mercury Angel
It's listed correctly in the big skill window, at 115. If you set the skills to list by 'recharge time', it's at the very end, as well. I think their formatting just doesn't support more than 2 digits.
I noticed this a couple weeks ago and sent it to support.guildwars.com. They list it as a known issue with unknown date to be fixed.
Well, it's hardly a big deal, and would probably take more effort than it is worth...
I noticed this little error aswell, but it does not seem to be causing too much harm the skill's recharge is still shorter than the skill length. However it is still kind of annoying.