First off one thing i must strongly agree with is how not having all 15k peices doesn't mean you don't have enough cash. I absolutly hate it when people assume this. For example, I was in the desert with my necromancer, whom i have 8k scars for the chest, arms and legs - but for the feet i have 1.5k tormenter boots from drokners. I see someone shouting in all chat "LFR TO ELONA RANCH" "I NEED A RUN TO ELONA RANCH" People start saying "haha you noob, its not called elona ranch" so me trying to be nice, i whisper him.
Me:It's actually called Elona Reach
He runs over to me
Him:How would you know?? You can't even afford a full set of scars for your stuuupid necromancer. you still have dorkners (emphasis on dorkners) boots!
Me :I wasn't trying to attempt a discussion on my armor, now was I? I was trying to help you ask for a run to the proper place.
Him : Yeah you N00berousus, Its called elona ranch.
Me : Well, you have fun getting to good old Elona Ranch then eh?
All i was trying to do is correct him. But now thanks to this guy, when i see a spelling error like that, i just ignore it.
Another situation I had when 'sorda' trying to help someone. I was in beacons perch and I saw someone saying they were running to drokners forge and to pay 1k upfront.
Me: I know people scam runners, But it would be hard to find someone who will pay 1k up front.
Them: I'll run you. 1k upfront, Then 1k when we get to lornars pass.
Me: im not asking for a run...and lornars pass is the warp.
Them: i know where lornars pass is! pay me 1k!!!!
Then they open trade with me and i notice there class and level. A level 9 Elementalist with the armor guild wars graces us with after creating a character.
Me: no offense, but i highly doubt a level 9 elementlist could make this run...
Them: just pay me 1k. I'll get you to droks.
Me: Heres a peice of advice, don't try scamming people who have any sort of knowledge to this game.
Them: Look at you, You stupid Level 20 warrior in your stupid 15k stupid armor dyed STUPID silver. you suck. you don't even know how to run.
Me: Look at you, you Level 9 elementalist in your apprentice armor undyed. you can stop trying to open trade with me now.
Them:At least i have style.
Me: Congratulations.
Them: So are you going to pay me 1k??
Me: again, do not attempt to do your scamming on any person with any knowledge to this game.
Them: Fine, have fun FIGHTING your way to drokners!
Yeah. Most of the only people I am willing to help now are those who approach me in a kind matter or guildies. I'd help anyone on here as well if they needed it
anyhow, aside from my story telling. If i would have saw Selling Chaos and Storm Bow, I would have assumed they were trying to sell a Chaos bow. My best advice is to join me on the do not try to help someone who doesnt ask first club. Let someone else listen to there ranting.