EoE vs. The Great Northern Wall
I had soloed this a lot with my E/Mo, and decided to try it with a ranger and EoE. Yes, I know my build is weird, but hey, it works, and it's faster than my ele was too.
The Son Of Morgoth
the ultimate char hide farming experience lol gj
Vermilion Okeanos
judging the skill you brought with you... I guess you were really screwing around heh.
I farm with e/w melee fiery dragon sword all the time, more like killing time than farming, but w/e. Can not deny that the dragon swords are still pretty cool looking.
I farm with e/w melee fiery dragon sword all the time, more like killing time than farming, but w/e. Can not deny that the dragon swords are still pretty cool looking.
That's pretty ingenius. I'm surprised I didn't think of that (I used to regularly kill all the Charr when taking my guildees on that mission, and I used a ranger no less...).
Chronos the Defiler
i usually just do the nolani mission and open the gates at the beginning...kill, leave and repeat, you can gather alot of crap in a short time
Oh yeah, another fun part was the gargoyles. Kill 4 of them at the tar pit, and it's GG gargoyles. I'll have to try EoE at Nolani. And I wasn't really screwing around, all of those skills are pretty much vital. I put down 2 traps of fire and barbed, then Troll unguent, then let rip with Seeking Blade and Hundred Blades. The stance is to get there faster.
thor hammerbane
He found 2 charr hides, dunno how its the ultimate hide farming experienced.
Don't want to flame, but if you weren't screwing around, what was the point of this? to farm the 3 gold items and sell to merchant?
Don't want to flame, but if you weren't screwing around, what was the point of this? to farm the 3 gold items and sell to merchant?
Originally Posted by unienaule
I'll have to try EoE at Nolani.
Already did Just after I saw this thread, no SS but its pretty easy, trap door, put up EoE, press lever, collect your charr hides.
Originally Posted by Kassad
Already did Just after I saw this thread, no SS but its pretty easy, trap door, put up EoE, press lever, collect your charr hides.
Yeah, I tried the exact same thing, it's really really fast if they all come in at once.
lol sad i didnt even know you could open the door at nolani from the begining...
Something I did yesterday, me and a friend decided to go from borlis to piken, those gargoyles in nolani, I aggroed them all (scaring my lower level friend) and my pet killed about 3 then they all dropped dead xD wish I'd had a ranger other xmas..
Woot I just got a black dye drop from charr at Nolani doing this... OMG OMG!
EoE and barrage is how i got like 200 candy canes from the grawl the last 2 days of wintersday
Lol, ahh i remember i was lvl 19 on that mission, a Necro/Mes. My lvl 18 bone army crushed them in under 10 secs, then the boneminions killed the boss that was all the way back there. Its amazing how fast you can kill with markofpain and boneminions.
Gustav Gloomp
that is one crazy avatar xxreaper008. and umm yeah good job to all of u
i do e/r earthquake aftershock..works outside nolani too