Does quickening zepher effect black out?
Could be good:
7 second blackout with 5 second recharge means you could maintain it indefinately.
Quickening Zepher & Black Out
Originally Posted by Clusmas
Does quickening zepher effect black out?
It is expensive though, and people run away from you. 13 energy to use every 7 seconds = 5.6 pips of energy - you aren't doing ANYTHING else, and you are out of steam.
Do it on a R/Me platform, you can get 6 seconds out of it, Blackout is a skill so gets energy reductions, 6 energy per use, every 6 seconds = 3 pips of energy, barely manageable.
Do it on a R/Me platform, you can get 6 seconds out of it, Blackout is a skill so gets energy reductions, 6 energy per use, every 6 seconds = 3 pips of energy, barely manageable.