[MY IDEA] Guildie Tracker
I think we need a Guildie Tracker. In the guild window when a guildie is on, there should be a field with the current town/outpost that guildie is in. This way we know where someone is to join up with them.
Whispering Siren
But what if they don't want to be stalked by guildmates?
/already uses guild chat for that.

While I agree that there needs to be more functionality with the Guild Roster Screen and other guild-related functions, I think this is a bad idea. Not everyone wants to have their location out there for guildies to see. Especially, if you just want some peace and quiet in the game. And, while one guildie might find it funny to "stalk" another, we cannot assume that this is the prevailing thought of the other.
William Sunrider
yeah i for one think some privacy is needed, if you want to know where others are use the guild chat.
/i too, already use guild chat for that
/i too, already use guild chat for that
This is in no way your idea.
Soul Shaker
I was thinkin district, town/outpost. But, just add a little option if they want it to be private or not.
Its already in game
Step one: Press @
Step two: Type "Where are you guys/<guildie> at?"
If they want you to know they will say
"running elona"
Step one: Press @
Step two: Type "Where are you guys/<guildie> at?"
If they want you to know they will say
"running elona"
Soul Shaker
Just useful for communication...especially if you could be in a big guild with too many people on at once...gotta find whose where...then again, might take less to type names..
None of your business where the hell I am.
Kago Seirei
I do get lonely at times, but also I don't want people to know what I do during my spare time. DX!
lord pun|shment
yeah it would be a pain
How can we play hide and seek otherwise??
No way!! I love my guildies to pieces, but there are times when I like just going off and doing my own thing. Now, we do chat a lot while we're all doing our own thing, but I have to agree that I really have no desire to see this implemented.
Same here, Harmony! Our guild rocks but once in awhile, it's nice to do stuff by yourself. Plus, the idea kinda creeps me out, it's very stalker-ish. *shivers*
Knight of Eonia
Maple Story had a similar feature, and I disliked it there. Now, I enjoy my friends and Guildmates, but I don't want them stalking me, or harassing me while I'm AFK. I also think the function is relatively trivial at best.
Whispering Siren
*sniff* *sniff* but... Harmony and Mina... you don't like us? you don't want us to follow you everywhere? I'm hurt... *sniff*
But really - I would have a lot of fun stalking my guildies. I am the great and omnipotent Oz! Bow to ME!
Hehehe... just kidding. 100% not signed!
But really - I would have a lot of fun stalking my guildies. I am the great and omnipotent Oz! Bow to ME!
Hehehe... just kidding. 100% not signed!
Hex Nexus
Stalk much? lol j/k... but if you need to meet up with them... ASK