i was doing a quest in the forest when something happened to my monk hench. when we all died my monk hench was rezzed in the sky and was walking around like it was the floor(image attatched)
Later in the quest i realised my monk wasnt there. then when we all died and it was time to res the monk was still alive. i changed view to the monk and it was under the ground! (2 images attatached)
any1 else had bugs like this? if so then post some..
Bugs - Flying and sinking
Cs Coldize
ya, I was trying to do Villainy of Galrath and I was going with just henchies and we got pretty far and then died. After we rezzed, 3 of my henchmen immediately started running off and went through the hills and stuff. When I got to where we died before, one of my henchies came back but my healer and fighter we're long gone, I didnt know where they went. So I fought some more and then 4 Fen Trolls killed us. When I saw the screen where my other 2 henchies were, they were underground. So I had to leave and go back to outpost cause we couldn't res until they both died. Very sad
Guillaume De Sonoma
The third one is awsome. That'd be funny is she fell and whent splat on the ground
that same thing happened to me also. in the same relative area i think. definitely a bug that has occured multiple times. my brother had it happen also in a different area.
Saridley Kronah
Axle fieshe had something like this happen to him when alysia fell into a hole :P
I've had the same thing happen to me numerous times. I also find that my henchmen tend to get stuck behind rocks and other object easily for some reason. Guess I just gotta keep a closer eye on them.