If i have a 19% sword pommel and i use blessed aura to increase enchant time by 25%
does that make my enchants last 44% longer, or does the higher one cancel out the lower one?
Enchantment question?
Retribution X
they will multiply to, 148.75% origonal lasing time.
so the %'s do stack?
Blade Aatxe
Mandy Memory
No, they multiply. First one makes you either 119% or 125% (not sure which comes first) and the other gives a bonus 25% of 119% or 19% of 125%
Healing breeze is 10 seconds enchant
12 seconds with 20% mod
14 seconds with 20% and 25% blessed
the enchant bonuses work on the original time not on bonus times, so they kinda stack but also they dont.
I think thats right
12 seconds with 20% mod
14 seconds with 20% and 25% blessed
the enchant bonuses work on the original time not on bonus times, so they kinda stack but also they dont.
I think thats right
im confused