Wackiest Party Invites



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


generally you only get these if youre with a monk or are a monk, but heres one i had the other day that could have been a little better thought out:

if anyone else has anything similarly crazy, post it for our viewing pleasure


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



I have just shrugged those off without doing screenshots..

Atleast it's not all whammo team

Jiao Yang

Jiao Yang

Lunar Rabbit

Join Date: Dec 2005

that would be a FoW chest run team. Assuming you're the mo/w they proably want u to help out.




Join Date: Dec 2005




how could he be the mo/w with THAT set of skills? =p

Claire Wolf

Claire Wolf

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

The Zephyr Of Tyria [tZoT]


An invite to a party of seven trappers.. -coughs silently-


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


NN - No Names


Haggard gets my vote for most organized inventory ever.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


if its not symmetrical, it burns my eyes


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

What's that window you circled on the lower right hand side? I don't think I've ever seen that in-game before.

Catalin Dracul

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005



It's the mouse-over of the join reqest, if its more than 1 person.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Catalin Dracul
It's the mouse-over of the join reqest, if its more than 1 person. Ohhh, right! Forgot about that little tid-bit. Thx.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

my bedroom

Band Of Death UK

funny thing is i know emma the protector :P

pfft who needs monks :P..o wait....

think the stupidest thing i ALWAYS see ges like this

Me: NEED 1 MONK TO FINISH TEAM FOR *whatever we are doing*
[party screen :- Wa/Mo invites themself]


Megla Zero

Megla Zero

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

North Carolina


I've never gotten any really stupid party invites, but all the blind invites whenever your level 20 loads into a Kryta or earlier mission are quite annoying...

I had just helped one of my friends get to D'Alessio the other day, signed off cuz it was late, loaded in and I got a whisper for me to run someone, and 2-3 party invites. I just left.

Capitan Del Queso

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Pacific Time Zone

Pheonix Ascension

Strangely enough, before I murdered my pve healing slave to make my ranger, all I ever got was 400 blind invites every time I entered a mission area. It wasn't until later when I started to see what really cracks me up; people saying things like OMG JOIN OUR PARTY FAGS! That and screaming at the monks sitting in a mission area not partying with anyone. I also see people use the same tactic when trying to recruit for guilds. Really now, why would you try to get people to join up with you by yelling and calling them fags? It happens more often than one would think.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


and the generalisation that all monks are in fact 'monkeys' and have to be lured with promises of bananas and hugs



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by Haggard
and the generalisation that all monks are in fact 'monkeys' and have to be lured with promises of bananas and hugs works for me

Juicey Shake

Juicey Shake

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005


in it for the trimmmm


I've done hell's precipece many times with my monk, but everytime I stop in there I get promised with bananas and hugs, and off I go >_>

and why would you run fow as a warrior?... rangers can do it 100x better >_X

My friend and I [both on our old rangers] took all of the shadow and skelly guys and made them fight in front of the forgemaster's tower of war or courage or whatever.

It was awesome, then the shadow dudes lost, so we ran into the towery place and ran in circles until we died, vrooom.