Brute Sword..Gold and max damage!
s t o m p y
Do hey drop anymore? i have one and my freinds said they do not drop anymore...
Heroes' Ascent chest more than likely.
Stealthy Trapper
Yes they still drop. Alot drop from high level minotaurs,try them in augury rock or the elona mission.
I got one that was 1 off max from one of those thorn stalker things that are around Druids overlook, it was a very nice gold one but 1 off max
This was recently and I am guessing that they drop elsewhere and max.
Originally Posted by Stealthy Trapper
Yes they still drop. Alot drop from high level minotaurs,try them in augury rock or the elona mission.
In fact, before that happened, an in-game friend told me of a max gold with almost perfect stats that fell for him there. Since - at that time - I'd farmed the area for a long time without seeing a brute drop, I secretly wondered if he was being truthful.
Then, a week or so later, when the brute dropped for me there, his case was proved. In the two months or so since then I haven't had another max gold brute drop.
Well, i don't know about you guys, but i got mine (Max, req 8, 15% in stance) from a level 16 hellhound in the Gates of Kryta mission...
The Rift
Originally Posted by [Apple]
Well, i don't know about you guys, but i got mine (Max, req 8, 15% in stance) from a level 16 hellhound in the Gates of Kryta mission...
s t o m p y
Thank you
Originally Posted by [Apple]
Well, i don't know about you guys, but i got mine (Max, req 8, 15% in stance) from a level 16 hellhound in the Gates of Kryta mission...
-Source: strategy guide chart, pg180
Originally Posted by MadOnion
That is impossible. Max damage weapons can only be dropped by level 24 monsters. A level 16 hellhound would drop a 6-19 axe.
-Source: strategy guide chart, pg180 |
and besides the lvl 21 griffins outside augury drops max dmg weapons like candy
Originally Posted by MadOnion
That is impossible. Max damage weapons can only be dropped by level 24 monsters. A level 16 hellhound would drop a 6-19 axe.
-Source: strategy guide chart, pg180 |
Originally Posted by MadOnion
That is impossible. Max damage weapons can only be dropped by level 24 monsters. A level 16 hellhound would drop a 6-19 axe.
-Source: strategy guide chart, pg180 |