Fun in HA


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006



I don't play much pvp (gvg or ha) because of some issues my guild has with the current competition level, the builds, etc.

Still, I think any1 can have alot of fun in HA. Of course everyone wants to win and wants to be in a good group. But don't aim to high. If you don't have experience and/or the rank requested by the teams, you have little chance to team up with them.

But as I said before, rank is almost useless due to the iway fame farming. Still, if you can show good player that you know what you are talking about and at least you know what you are supposed to do when playing a specific build, many good players will give you a shot (they know what they know). This doesen't mean they will tolerate consecutive screwups.

Now let's get to the point where I had so much fun.

was hanging around the last int district chatting with some players i've played before, spamming the main channel with silly lines that would never get me into a team , just for fun.... And i see someone invite me. I accept, knowing that this is anything but serious. When i saw the people i teamed up with, i knew it was a "FUN" group, good players looking to have some fun. The rest is histroy, look at the screenshots. Please note that i was there with my PVE ranger, after capping Charge

Actually, we lost against iway in the next match.
But i still think it was fun. As you can see my skillbar was uber! And I think mental, bin good and pricess also used super leet, uber skills that own tombs

Did the same thing some minutes later with a "less experienced" team .I had a real good luagh (look at the chat).

I think these screen are rare collectioners edition Nver had so much fun in HA before, and it took only 15 min of my life.

What i did next was evil.... I joined r3+ iway teams to see if an r3+ iway player knows at lest what iway was supposed to do. Looked fine at the begining, with spirits check, careful with nr, etc...
They asked my skills, so i told them the general axe warr and spirits skillbar. No other questions asked. What i really had on me where all spirits at lvl 1 (nr, eoe, etc...), i also equiped frozen and muddy terain. Of course not to raise suspicion, i had my elder wolf with me, and also iway equpied.
We got to the first battle with 8% morale. After the the pawning started, i respammed all spirits at level 1, spammed frozen and muddy lvl 8. What do you know, we won O_o. Some remaks on frozen being nasty, that's all.

The second match was taugh We lost big time. But still no comments on why the **** did we have lvl 1 eoe? Who the **** has frozen? What my rank 3+ (checked emotes) team did was a "go again!"... We lost again, with me showing off in my underpants and crystaline equiped. After this battle the team broke up (with lines like "gotta go", "cya, it was fun"). No comments at all on how retarded someone was using all the wrong skills.

I did one last test. Teamed up with another r3+ iway group. At least here some1 noticed the frozen. He blamed one of the rangers for it
Anyway, i was kicked because i didn't wear any armor (they noticed that cuz i was the last one to die, dacing like a mad stripper )

Conclusion: rank is pointless. At least most r3+ iway farmers only know the maps... And i'm not sure about that. They don't even know the builds skill and what's good and what's tottaly wrong to do. And i guess if someone gets to r9 ( O_o) only playing iway, they wont know a darn thing about what this game, more exactly what PvP in HA really means.

So before anyone takes a position, please do some research.

PS: forgot to remove the attachments, some1 please remove those




Join Date: Jul 2005

it's pretty common knowledge that R3 IWAYers don't actually know anything. Most R6 couldn't actually fight their way out of a wet paper bag unless the the maggots eating the rotten sandwich all died.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


Remnants of Ascalon, KT alliance


this is what GuildWars makes worth living for


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006



Oh, and i`m really sorry for screwing up 2 really good iway teams. I will never ever do it again. It was so boring, i felt so low and miserable. As princess leeky said...

OMG Iway is UBER!!!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by thunderpower
Oh, and i`m really sorry for screwing up 2 really good iway teams. I will never ever do it again. It was so boring, i felt so low and miserable. As princess leeky said...

OMG Iway is UBER!!!
You know what you can do if you're feeling REALLY bored (and nasty)? Join an iway team as an iway warrior with pet. At the start of the underworld map, at least 2 or 3 people usually go to the side in those little bits where if you stand there you can see ppl from the other team to see what the build is...follow them there, and you can block them into the narrow bit with yourself and pet, trapping them until you move or die. Now dance, and keep dancing (and maybe pretend to speak another language when they start yelling)

Would work on other teams of course....but you should only do it to iway.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006



Originally Posted by TomD22
You know what you can do if you're feeling REALLY bored (and nasty)? Join an iway team as an iway warrior with pet. At the start of the underworld map, at least 2 or 3 people usually go to the side in those little bits where if you stand there you can see ppl from the other team to see what the build is...follow them there, and you can block them into the narrow bit with yourself and pet, trapping them until you move or die. Now dance, and keep dancing (and maybe pretend to speak another language when they start yelling)

Would work on other teams of course....but you should only do it to iway.
That's a more than evil xD.

I did what i did cuz i was bored and I wanted to test, and not because i didn't suspect what the results will be.

I'ts just very sad to see that people don't pay any attention to details. I remeber before the iway rage, most of r2+ players knew almost every commonly used skill in tombs. But now it's a diffrent story. Iway only care about 2-3 obvious skills/spirits, that's all. And when this is over they'll ether stop playing pvp or they'll smash their head against the wall thinking what a waist of time it was playing iway instead of trying to make a future in pvp by learning how to use skills, how play diffrent build on diffrent maps.

I see an uncoming RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE RED ENGINE GORD ENGINE GORED ENIGINE wave in tombs when iway will be officially pulled out of tombs. The reason is obious, first people who play iway 99% of their time will rage because they didn't get their r3, r6 or whatever their goal was.
The other reason is that those master players who now hide in the dark testing and planning will come back very well prepared and r*pe 19 out of 20 teams that have former exlusively iway players.

How bad will this hurt the ego of those who spit noob every time they lose or win with an iway team?

I will keep reading over and over the skills list for each and every proffesion to spot new possibilities and combinations for builds. Also i`ll go and try to get my r5 ass into a team wich i think has a chance to win (of course iway is on top of my list).

One last idea.
If you want to see how a top iway guild fails when running anything else but the well known go and r*pe formula, make an effort and watch MATH when they play something else than iway. That's mostly r9 players who don't realise that they are on "tv" and that every is watching them. Anyway, thumbs up MATH guys, finnaly you are getting smarter (or you reached your goals in fame farming).
Also, MATH is live example how iway kills creativity. Cuz i nver seen them run an original build. anything they did beside iway was only some copy/paste build that owned their iway build in 1v1 combat (guess they think that those builds are the next "iway like" popular builds).


Juicey Shake

Juicey Shake

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005


in it for the trimmmm


I went in the other day as a messed up martyr trapper, with 2 other trappers, and a wammo wind mending and rebirth.

+4 henches. We beat the zaishen in 2 minutes, overcame a balanced team on underworld, and decided after 12 minutes on burial mounds that our healer hench was r15, and then we lost. Henches, yummy!

Lord Iowerth

Lord Iowerth

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Atlanta, GA (#guildwarsguru FTW!)

Biscuit Of Dewm [MEEP]


I've always had more fun actually playing-to-win on an anti-IWAY team, rather than sabotaging one from the inside ... but that could just be me.

Call me crazy, but I want whatever team i'm on to win ... deliberately sabotaging my own team seems a little immature to me. It would be one thing if that team were just a "fun" team sort of like the first one you described, then nobody would really care I wouldn't think. Yes, they're an IWAY team ... yes they are probably fame-farming, and all the other negative stereotypes you hear about IWAY teams. So what?

Take my advice: join some nice anti-IWAY builds and stomp a few IWAY teams out ... it's a great stress relief



Join Date: Aug 2005


I love the argument of "r3+ means you know the maps."

Which means, following that logic, that knowing the maps is more important than knowing builds or having skill. Cool. Maybe if you spend time in Observer mode and watch matches on each map for a total of ~45 minutes, you should automatically be r3. Awesome.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006



Originally Posted by calamitykell
I love the argument of "r3+ means you know the maps."

Which means, following that logic, that knowing the maps is more important than knowing builds or having skill. Cool. Maybe if you spend time in Observer mode and watch matches on each map for a total of ~45 minutes, you should automatically be r3. Awesome.

You didn't get to point or I didn't express myself correctly. IMO farmed r3+ usually can equal the fact that you at least know the maps, more exactly (pls don't pretend to be less itelligent than you are) that you KNOW WHAT TO DO ON THE DIFFRENT MAPS. Like altar, relic, etc... So that you know the basic tactics that are/should be played on those maps and you don't run around like a bunch of bozos.

As for getting into a nice Anti Iway team. Playing a full Anti Iway build is also farming IMO. Iway farm other builds, you farm them. I my eyes, playing a build just to farm the farmers is just as sad. Your aim should be the hall, getting there and trying to win. Respect to those who play and try to achieve this goal. For most players a high rank is just like the fow armor for the pve freaks. No1 will remark you if you pop up your lion emote in Ascalon, LA etc... Maybe some noob will PM you and ask for how you do that. But if you hold the hall for like 3-4 hours, than like it or not, all online players will see that you are the skilled one, no matter the rank. I think every knows power of my ranger because he won in the hall so many times, not because he has the wet paperbag emote or whatever. Just think about it. Fame farming after all is stupid.