I am posting in this forum because I need your help. I play a tamer (beastmaster primary) and a bug in the game prevents me from enjoying the game. Cutscenes separate me from my pet, which is my weapon of choice. This leaves me with 7 of my 8 skills useless and a frustrating, miserable wait to end the mission.
This error is most prominent in Dragon's Lair and the Doppleganger mission. Other beastmasters have complained in forums and I have contacted GW about this and Joe Anabac (on 9/9/05)
has done so as well with the same response, to post in this forum. I understand that people may dismiss the beastmaster build, but I ask you this; if in the new expansion there is an uncommon build that you want to play and there is a bug that disrupts you from attacking or playing the game, if GW does not acknowledge my bug what assurance do you have that you will not fall into the same trap?
So I ask that you contact GW at http://www.guildwars.com/support/
and maybe our cries will be heard. Until then, my expansion money is on hold.
A call to arms
I agree, My ranger always runs a pet build in PvE and any bug that destoys my build entirely is most deffinatly a bad one.
Feminist Terrorist
That happened to me every time I did Dragon's Lair. This is the first time I've read of it happening to others though. (i don't get out much. lol)