Im getting Error code=040 for the past 10min when I try to log-in with a pvp char, but my pve chars login just fine. PvP chars run on diff servers then pve?
Is that server down?
PvP Char Wont Log In
I'm been getting that error message for the last 10 minutes too. I can't access any of my characters.
EDIT: I just got an error code=050 as well. Perhaps this has to do with the World Championship?
EDIT: I just got an error code=050 as well. Perhaps this has to do with the World Championship?
I'm getting error 13 all the time, my guild is gone and can't enter to Heroes Ascent PvP arenas.
same here, cant access anything. not even in pve.......wats up?
I got in with one of my characters that was mapped at TOPK. The rest no go.
Servers = PWNED?
During my lunchbreak I've expierenced no problems with my pre char. Didn't try the others.
- I just got back from lunch btw, so it was 45 mins ago
- I just got back from lunch btw, so it was 45 mins ago
Jiao Yang
no problems here.. im on european severs btw.
it work now. i tired a couple times and on like the 6th try it went on.
I dont know if im having the same problem. But say for GVG whenever i roll for a PVP charcter after putting in the name it freezes. So I just exit the game re-login and click the PVP charcter and hes in the Isle of the Nameless.