Recommend Skill to use before healing my Warrior??
I have a W/E. Knowing what I know now, I would have picked a W/M.
I have -40 armor while using my healing signet. If I try to heal myself while in the middle of a battle it usually does more harm then good! Can anyone recommend a good skill to use before I attempt to heal myself? One that will offer some added protection while I suffer from the -40 armor. I’ve tried a few (like Bonetti's Defense) & they seem to be cancelled out by the healing signet. Thanks again!
Many use Dolyak Signet in solo builds
Just a thought ..... with ele secondary you could use a skill that increases armor. Kinetic armor comes to mind. Or just try some of the warrior defensive stances that blocks attacks.
I thought a Signet will stack with stances and shouts. I'v tried Bonetti's (which is great), but it seems that it is cancelled when I use the Healing Signet. Correct me if im wrong.
Maybe I'll have to double check that.
It is cancelled AFTER you finish the sig.
Therefore giving you time to evade(block, sorry)
almost all of melee damage.
EDIT: I have tested while farming.
Therefore giving you time to evade(block, sorry)
almost all of melee damage.
EDIT: I have tested while farming.
Bonetti's will be canceled if you use Healing Signet.
Watch Yourself! is always the first thing to comes to mind, along with Dolyak Signet. Watch Yourself! more so since you can keep it up pretty much all the time, and cuts that -40 to -20. Dolyak Signet is pretty much good in all situations, problem is it isn't very party friendly if you lose aggro.
The net gain probably doesn't look that impressive if your tactics attribute is low. Consider pumping more points into it for a larger gain even after the pain.
Watch Yourself! is always the first thing to comes to mind, along with Dolyak Signet. Watch Yourself! more so since you can keep it up pretty much all the time, and cuts that -40 to -20. Dolyak Signet is pretty much good in all situations, problem is it isn't very party friendly if you lose aggro.
The net gain probably doesn't look that impressive if your tactics attribute is low. Consider pumping more points into it for a larger gain even after the pain.
Armor of earth is good with even a low earth investment but it is an enchantment (which can get stripped), costs energy and also causes you to move slow.
There are other defensive stances that do not end with the use of a signet, read the descriptions to find which ones you have available.
The advantage of a +armor skill vs defensive stance is that it is effective against many damaging spells as well as attacks.
There are other defensive stances that do not end with the use of a signet, read the descriptions to find which ones you have available.
The advantage of a +armor skill vs defensive stance is that it is effective against many damaging spells as well as attacks.
Can I ask what level your warrior is, and where (location) in the game you are at with him/her? Cause once you ascend.. you can just change your secondary profession to whatever you like.. which really is the easy way out
Anyway, only skill i can think of with a low casting time is Doylak's signet, though it slows down movement with 75% which can be a pain.. so it has to be used well also armor of earth (see posts of others here).
Anyway, only skill i can think of with a low casting time is Doylak's signet, though it slows down movement with 75% which can be a pain.. so it has to be used well also armor of earth (see posts of others here).
I can't think of it right now, but I thought there was another stance that I just capped recently that was very similar to Dolyaks but only slowed you 50%. Can't remember now.
w/e use ice in pve for forzen bust/armor of mist or mist form and u will be fine
If you are wanting something solely to cover you during healing signet, try out disciplined stance. It won't come off until your heal is over.
to be honest if your in a group and trying heal sig, don't bother, have faith in the monks, they will heal you, seriously, Healing Signet is not good in a group, your actually making the monk's job harder by trying to heal yourself, as for solo don't hit heal sig when your health drops below 50 or whatever, use it at regular intervals when your health gets down to X you can estimate the damage you will take and then heal up almost to full if you use the sig at that time.
For example soloing the Spider Cave in FoW i usually have around 500 Health, my heal sig heals for 130 so i use it at about 400, drop about 20 and heal to full, although you have lots of armour, its best not to get lazy with your heal sig, make sure you use it at the right time.
but i still think you should drop heal sig if your in a group (with monks).
But seeing as you want an answer Shield Stance is pretty nice these days, long duration and if your tanking properly the -33% speed doesn't affect you, it will cover you for plenty of Heal Sigs
If you were running something like Physical Resistance (making sure you don't drop too much Ele armour), and then Heal Sig just drops you to normal armour anyway, best to test out though and see which one suits you best and btw Dolyak is nice but if you lose aggro things can go quite wrong.
For example soloing the Spider Cave in FoW i usually have around 500 Health, my heal sig heals for 130 so i use it at about 400, drop about 20 and heal to full, although you have lots of armour, its best not to get lazy with your heal sig, make sure you use it at the right time.
but i still think you should drop heal sig if your in a group (with monks).
But seeing as you want an answer Shield Stance is pretty nice these days, long duration and if your tanking properly the -33% speed doesn't affect you, it will cover you for plenty of Heal Sigs
The Herbalizer
In low lvl areas as a warrior which is lvl 20 heal sig is not a problem to use as you barely take any dmg anyway.
To get around the -40 armor while using heal sig consider using skill which boost armor e.g.
Watch Yourself = +20 Armor To Party. warrior skill
Armor of Earth = Tons of Armor. ele elite
Obsidian Flesh = Tons of Armor and cannot be target of spells i think. is an ele elite.
Dolyak Signet = +xx armor but you move slower.
To get around the -40 armor while using heal sig consider using skill which boost armor e.g.
Watch Yourself = +20 Armor To Party. warrior skill
Armor of Earth = Tons of Armor. ele elite
Obsidian Flesh = Tons of Armor and cannot be target of spells i think. is an ele elite.
Dolyak Signet = +xx armor but you move slower.
Personally, I recommend frenzy, that way your opponent can hit you for a godly amount of damage and feel all warm and fuzzy inside