Skills (Lessen the Grind)
A little bit of background first. I have two accounts and between the two I've created and delete many characters. I don't really play any PvP, so unlocking all of those skills really doesn't give me that fuzzy feeling that it should.
What I propose, is a system where PvE characters have access to all of your previously unlocked skills. These would ONLY become available for your secondary profession and ONLY after completing the path for such profession.
This would lessen the grind by a hundred fold. Been there, done that, please Anet, let me benefit from the time and money that I have spent on collecting these skills!
What I propose, is a system where PvE characters have access to all of your previously unlocked skills. These would ONLY become available for your secondary profession and ONLY after completing the path for such profession.
This would lessen the grind by a hundred fold. Been there, done that, please Anet, let me benefit from the time and money that I have spent on collecting these skills!
I've unlocked 4 classes fully and have 25 skills to go for all pvp unlocks.
Meanwhile my PvEs I'm doubling, tripling and in the rare case quadrupling unlocks to play them how I'd like to play which is just insane.
This would be a GOOD thing (especially if they plan to keep us short on character slots :b which is a BAD thing)
I've unlocked 4 classes fully and have 25 skills to go for all pvp unlocks.
Meanwhile my PvEs I'm doubling, tripling and in the rare case quadrupling unlocks to play them how I'd like to play which is just insane.
This would be a GOOD thing (especially if they plan to keep us short on character slots :b which is a BAD thing)
Exactly! If you think about it, skill unlocking is unbalanced towards PvE characters. PvP only ones, get to keep all of the ones that they unlock, while the PvE character is at a disadvantage, since you basically have to start over from scratch each time that you make a new one, after the fourth time, where's the fun in that?
Defender Of Orth
No..... Level 3 Warrior using Elites and Drok skills...... /NOT SIGNED
Hello Kitty
Originally Posted by Defender Of Orth
No..... Level 3 Warrior using Elites and Drok skills...... /NOT SIGNED
I dont want anyone else to endure capping glad's defence, spiteful spirit and SoJ on 3 different characters
I dont want anyone else to endure capping glad's defence, spiteful spirit and SoJ on 3 different characters
Banin Galori
Originally Posted by Defender Of Orth
No..... Level 3 Warrior using Elites and Drok skills...... /NOT SIGNED
Perhaps you could limit access to all skills to post-Searing. It would keep pre-Searing as friendly as possible for new players, who wouldn't have to worry about all those new skills and where to get them and such.
Personally, I accidently deleted my level 20 PvE Monk (who had all the skills for most of the classes on him, and which I used for PvP) with 105 spare skill points and all the skills I had for him. It really sucks grinding to get all those skills points for my new level 20 PvE Monk (who has also finished Hell's Precipace and all the secondary profession "path" missions) so I can bring her into a variety of PvP games in different environments again. ^^'
Personally, I accidently deleted my level 20 PvE Monk (who had all the skills for most of the classes on him, and which I used for PvP) with 105 spare skill points and all the skills I had for him. It really sucks grinding to get all those skills points for my new level 20 PvE Monk (who has also finished Hell's Precipace and all the secondary profession "path" missions) so I can bring her into a variety of PvP games in different environments again. ^^'
Studio Ghibli
I'd like for my PvE characters to have access all unlocked skills IN THE ARENAS.
That'd be nice.
That'd be nice.
Make it so that the skills only become available after you ascend with that character or something, or maybe even beat the game.
Originally Posted by Defender Of Orth
No..... Level 3 Warrior using Elites and Drok skills...... /NOT SIGNED
Now, if you've had someone run you all of the way to the desert at lvl 3, more power to you. Those elites will probably not be effective anyway without any attributes to put into that line.
For all of the others that feel the way that I do, thanks for the support.
After ascending, and completing the secondary profession quests...
It is quite rewarding to gain a skill for the first time and see "skill unlocked: name of skill" flash on your screen. Then, you've actually done something.
After that, though... It makes for a hell of a time playing that second, third, or fourth character and having to buy skills that are already unlocked.
and, uh... hm... /signed.
It is quite rewarding to gain a skill for the first time and see "skill unlocked: name of skill" flash on your screen. Then, you've actually done something.
After that, though... It makes for a hell of a time playing that second, third, or fourth character and having to buy skills that are already unlocked.
and, uh... hm... /signed.
Originally Posted by [Apple]
I dont want anyone else to endure capping glad's defence, spiteful spirit and SoJ on 3 different characters |
Glad's Defense - easy, its right in a mission
SS - easy, its RIGHT outside Rankor. Just rezone until its the first group you fight
SoJ - somewhat difficult. Just get a runner to the area its in and you can do the rest with henchmen...
Fred Kiwi
Originally Posted by Defender Of Orth
No..... Level 3 Warrior using Elites and Drok skills...... /NOT SIGNED
It's bad enough many of you run through the content already (nice rush to droks) you don't deserve the easy unlocked skills as well. Bout time you earned something with EACH different character you played.
It's bad enough many of you run through the content already (nice rush to droks) you don't deserve the easy unlocked skills as well. Bout time you earned something with EACH different character you played.
Soul Shaker
Read the original post again deathqueen.
It says AFTER ascension, and only from the prof change quests. They are only available to the 2nd prof after it is changed.
On a side note, i can see it's usefulness right now. /signed.
It says AFTER ascension, and only from the prof change quests. They are only available to the 2nd prof after it is changed.
On a side note, i can see it's usefulness right now. /signed.
Kool Pajamas
for the second profession only and after ascending and completing the quests for that profession.
for the second profession only and after ascending and completing the quests for that profession.
Originally Posted by Defender Of Orth
No..... Level 3 Warrior using Elites and Drok skills...... /NOT SIGNED
I still stand on what I said as many of you that gets run thru the content anyway, you deserve to have to earn something ascended or not makes no difference. Time you paid for your cheating the content. (smile)
Yeah it would be nice if you wanted to redo your char. /signed
Soul Shaker
How about, lvl 20 MUST HAVE ASCENDED, and only available on a 2nd prof change? That will stop the early ascenders going through.
Originally Posted by Deathqueen
I still stand on what I said as many of you that gets run thru the content anyway, you deserve to have to earn something ascended or not makes no difference. Time you paid for your cheating the content. (smile)
/unsigned |
If you think running is cheating then that is an entirely separate issue. Perhaps you should argue that ANet should take steps to prevent running, but to say that everyone, those who legitimately get far or those who run, should not reap the rewards does not solve the "problem" of running.
Mind you, I absolutely hate people who have not even been through the game the first time and get run. Stupid people who don't know how to play, now those people don't deserve to get far.
But this suggestion doesn't reward them, does it? They haven't unlocked anything, so they won't see the benefits of changing their secondary.
I absolutely /sign this.
Gotta agree with deathqueen on this one.
I am also with Deathqueen on this issue.
I would say make it where you could Buy your account earn unlock skills from a special NPC. So you still need to sepnd the skill point and the gold, but it would allow for faster customization. The NPC could be located at maybe LA (but at higher cost) or Dragon's cave. Also show not allow Elites to be earn in such way.
Originally Posted by actionjack
I would say make it where you could Buy your account earn unlock skills from a special NPC. So you still need to sepnd the skill point and the gold, but it would allow for faster customization. The NPC could be located at maybe LA (but at higher cost) or Dragon's cave. Also show not allow Elites to be earn in such way.
And to you others who agree with Deathqueen, can you give reasons?
Tuoba Hturt Eht
In this world, you can't please everyone.
However, I'm in favour of any suggestions that lessens the grinding aspect of Guild Wars.
/signed for lesser grinding in Guild Wars
However, I'm in favour of any suggestions that lessens the grinding aspect of Guild Wars.
/signed for lesser grinding in Guild Wars
There's another good reason different from grind - replayability.
It's often fun to play through an rpg again using a different character, since you get to play in a different style etc. However, replayability in GW is limited by the classes you choose, when it really shouldnt be. What if I wanted to play through as an Elementalist again, but with Earth skills instead of fire? That's not possible at the moment.
I guess the solutions I favour would be things like, allowing skills unlocked on your account to be purchased at any skill trainer for any of your characters. Or something like a "replay mode" where skills available at trainers are randomised or something.
It's often fun to play through an rpg again using a different character, since you get to play in a different style etc. However, replayability in GW is limited by the classes you choose, when it really shouldnt be. What if I wanted to play through as an Elementalist again, but with Earth skills instead of fire? That's not possible at the moment.
I guess the solutions I favour would be things like, allowing skills unlocked on your account to be purchased at any skill trainer for any of your characters. Or something like a "replay mode" where skills available at trainers are randomised or something.
Urias Skult
What about if you could unlock any skill at the skill trainers, even ones that dont pertain to your current character primary or secondary class? Obviously you wouldnt be able to use IWAY for example if you are a Mo/Me or non warrior class. These skills could be bought using skill points from your present character, and kept in a form of 'storage' until you create a character who can use the skills.
That way if you want to blow all your skill points on your Level 20 Necromancer to start with a bank of skills for a Monk, you could. You would have to weigh up your options as to whether you want your current character to have all the usable skills they can or whether you make it easier for your next character.
It could work, but I do agree with others that have said you should earn skills etc. I played the game through with a Necromancer and have recently re-started as a Wammo. You get run to droks, get some decent armour but suddenly you realise that it is now meaninless as it only took you 1 hour to obtain.
That way if you want to blow all your skill points on your Level 20 Necromancer to start with a bank of skills for a Monk, you could. You would have to weigh up your options as to whether you want your current character to have all the usable skills they can or whether you make it easier for your next character.
It could work, but I do agree with others that have said you should earn skills etc. I played the game through with a Necromancer and have recently re-started as a Wammo. You get run to droks, get some decent armour but suddenly you realise that it is now meaninless as it only took you 1 hour to obtain.

I agree with actionjack except maybe make it so that you still have to spend the 1k gold, but not the skill point. If you want to be able to use many different skills, really the only way to do it is to farm with that specific character, which is not always possible or efficient. I have about 50 skill points on my monk, but less than 5 on my other two characters. It will still cost 1k, which is a fair amount, but you will be able to unlock alot more skills to make your character useful in more combinations without having to farm for ages on that char. In this way you couldn't buy elites with it either, so you still need to get those the hard way of actually capping them and spending the skill point on the sig-cap.
Less grind is good.
Less grind is good.
I don't see the problem. If someone unlocks the skills in PvE on any character, then they worked for those skills. How Deathqueen can say you didn't is beyond me. If you got ran or not, you still worked for the skills, just on a different character.
I don't see the problem. If someone unlocks the skills in PvE on any character, then they worked for those skills. How Deathqueen can say you didn't is beyond me. If you got ran or not, you still worked for the skills, just on a different character.
I see no reason for this at all. It would probably only facilitate running, solo farming, etc.
I see no reason for this at all. It would probably only facilitate running, solo farming, etc.
Originally Posted by Deathqueen
It's bad enough many of you run through the content already (nice rush to droks) you don't deserve the easy unlocked skills as well. |
Originally Posted by Deathqueen
Bout time you earned something with EACH different character you played.
Originally Posted by Deathqueen
I still stand on what I said as many of you that gets run thru the content anyway, you deserve to have to earn something ascended or not makes no difference.
Sure, some people get run on their first character. But as others said, this change wouldn't benefit them because they wouldn't have unlocked any skills yet.
Originally Posted by Deathqueen
Time you paid for your cheating the content.
Originally Posted by Deathqueen
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Personally, I'd love to see this implemented, but I doubt it will be. If I'm not mistaken, ArenaNet upped the cost of buying skills as a gold sink, and giving people access to previously unlocked skills when they change secondaries would pretty much negate that entirely.
Deathqueen, I've played through the game with FOUR chars WITHOUT A SINGLE RUN ANYWHERE. I have done EVERY skill-awarding quest and more on all of them. I have waited for 2+ hours sometimes just to get a group with my ranger but still endured it. I have also done THK when I was the only monk (and that was LF MONKY PuG and not a guild). I know the good, the bad and the paladins in the game.
So dont give me this bullshit of "cheating through the game"
Now if I want to try SERIOUS PvP, guess what? I need to fill specific rolls that require specific skill-sets. Oh well I though, with maxed out PvE chars (and I mean collector 15>50 weps and Drok armor) this is going easy. But no! my kindle+interrupting is petty useless to the blackout ranger I wanted to use for GvG. I needed a good couple of plats to even test out a build that I'm not sure I'll like, or be good at for that matter (even though I had learend the skills twice with my E/Me and Mo/Me). Same for my Monk, no OoB for him, even though my warr already had it (and its pretty useless on him, for that matter).
So I had to finally delete my Ele (who btw, played after the AOE update, and thus used a REAL build) and wasted ALL the 200 odd hours I had spent on maxing him out, for a PvP slot.
/end rant
So dont give me this bullshit of "cheating through the game"
Now if I want to try SERIOUS PvP, guess what? I need to fill specific rolls that require specific skill-sets. Oh well I though, with maxed out PvE chars (and I mean collector 15>50 weps and Drok armor) this is going easy. But no! my kindle+interrupting is petty useless to the blackout ranger I wanted to use for GvG. I needed a good couple of plats to even test out a build that I'm not sure I'll like, or be good at for that matter (even though I had learend the skills twice with my E/Me and Mo/Me). Same for my Monk, no OoB for him, even though my warr already had it (and its pretty useless on him, for that matter).
So I had to finally delete my Ele (who btw, played after the AOE update, and thus used a REAL build) and wasted ALL the 200 odd hours I had spent on maxing him out, for a PvP slot.
/end rant
realy nice idea, and the arguements presented against it are pretty weak tbh
the way it should be imho.
the way it should be imho.
Poison Ivy
If they make unlocking the skills you've already obtained harder then just hiring a runner, then I'll put my sig on it, otherwise...
Renegade ++RIP++
I just wished that there where some more quests specific for skills that you could do like you had at the start, in stead of that farming for skillpoints and gold...
So that all skills could be quested for in stead of having to farm for. Besides, the elites you already have to hunt for so that is ok.
So that all skills could be quested for in stead of having to farm for. Besides, the elites you already have to hunt for so that is ok.