Should Mesmer Interrupts range be increased?
I would make a poll, but I can't seem to find a button for it.
Anyway, I believe the mesmer interrupt spells should have a range increase. Why?
1) Rangers have a longer range interrupts with a long range bow.
2) Warriors & Rangers have interrupts that are much less energy intensive and also do things like disable a skill for 20 seconds (better for shutdown imo)
3) It's a damn pain that when doing an interrupt, the mesmer has to run in another few metres to try interrupt their spell casters which are usually are the back. To get round this, it usually involves making the mesmer go almost into melee range. Rangers generally don't have so much of a problem with this as they aren't as high priority target.
4) Mesmer Interrupts (apart from cry & leech signet) only interrupt spells.
5) Mesmer Interrupts have a much longer cooldown than ranger and warrior interrupts. So for an effective Mesmer interrupter build you generally need several interrupts whereas a ranger/warrior interrupter can get away with less interrupts and do more damage at the same time (if there are no protections around).
I'm not saying a huge range increase, but I'll say enough so the mesmer doesn't need to run around so much. Right now in my opinion mesmer interrupters are subpar to Ranger interrupters and they need a buff, I think range increase would help a lot to solve this.
Anyway, I believe the mesmer interrupt spells should have a range increase. Why?
1) Rangers have a longer range interrupts with a long range bow.
2) Warriors & Rangers have interrupts that are much less energy intensive and also do things like disable a skill for 20 seconds (better for shutdown imo)
3) It's a damn pain that when doing an interrupt, the mesmer has to run in another few metres to try interrupt their spell casters which are usually are the back. To get round this, it usually involves making the mesmer go almost into melee range. Rangers generally don't have so much of a problem with this as they aren't as high priority target.
4) Mesmer Interrupts (apart from cry & leech signet) only interrupt spells.
5) Mesmer Interrupts have a much longer cooldown than ranger and warrior interrupts. So for an effective Mesmer interrupter build you generally need several interrupts whereas a ranger/warrior interrupter can get away with less interrupts and do more damage at the same time (if there are no protections around).
I'm not saying a huge range increase, but I'll say enough so the mesmer doesn't need to run around so much. Right now in my opinion mesmer interrupters are subpar to Ranger interrupters and they need a buff, I think range increase would help a lot to solve this.
uh, NO
if anything the migrane-interrupt mesmers need to be nerfed
if anything the migrane-interrupt mesmers need to be nerfed
Increasing the range of Mesmer interrupt skills would require an increase in all the spells. You aren't doing any good by increasing both since you will still be in the same boat. In any case, you should pay particular attention to where your target is on your radar. If they are right on the edge of the aggro bubble then interrupt away but if they aren't, don't bother. You will end up with a late useless interrupt attempt.
Originally Posted by audioaxes
uh, NO
if anything the migrane-interrupt mesmers need to be nerfed |

To the OP: I fail to see how increasing the range of mesmer interrupts could somehow make recharge times less painful. And I'm not going to dirty myself with yet another argument about ranger vs. mesmer. I invoke Godwin's Law.
Originally Posted by audioaxes
uh, NO
if anything the migrane-interrupt mesmers need to be nerfed |
To everyone, my point is that if mesmer interrupts have an increased range (AND KEEPING everyone else's spell range the same), it would be safer to use interrupts and also make the mesmer's life easier to interrupt. It'll basically allow mesmer interrupt from afar from the field rather than running close to the scene of combat (which is what mesmers have to do atm to be in range to interrupt the majority of casters).
I'm surprised no one has mentioned how useful it is for a ranger with the right skills and positioning to have an increased interrupt range compared to other classes.
Valdaran Longfoot
Mesmers are anti-casters, so it makes total sense for most of their interrupts target only spells.
Range increase is not that big of deal, just pay attention to the map, you can't interrupt EVERY single thing cast so learn to deal with it.
Mesmers have so many interrupts that having a lower cooldown would mean constant interrupt if you had BiP or Offering of blood on you.
Except for knockdown, warriors have only one interrupt per weapon, so 99% of the time at most a warrior will have one interrupt.
Range increase is not that big of deal, just pay attention to the map, you can't interrupt EVERY single thing cast so learn to deal with it.
Mesmers have so many interrupts that having a lower cooldown would mean constant interrupt if you had BiP or Offering of blood on you.
Except for knockdown, warriors have only one interrupt per weapon, so 99% of the time at most a warrior will have one interrupt.
mesmer interrupt spells should not have a range increase.
Ranger interrupts are weapon based, where mesmers are caster based.
Ranger interrupts are weapon based, where mesmers are caster based.
So if Mesmers are "meant" to be anti-casters, why do they have empathy and so many other warrior/ranger skills? The point I am trying to make, is that as most of their interrupts focus on spells, whereas other interrupts are not, shouldn't the mesmer interrupt abilities be more robust and usable from a similar distance to how rangers are.
Range increase on mesmer interrupts isn't a huge deal, I'm doing fine with my mesmer with interrupts at the moment (if you don't compare it to ranger interrupter), but it would be very nice addition to the interrupt mesmer and allow them to stay out of harms way easier.
Ranger with practised stance, choking gas + IAS = almost constant interrupt already at the moment. Anyway, my post wasn't even suggesting that mesmers should have lower interrupt cooldown.
Warriors have distracting blow. Funny, when I run warrior I usually have knockdown and interrupt ability. Don't forget the massives of warriors with gale at the moment.
Range increase on mesmer interrupts isn't a huge deal, I'm doing fine with my mesmer with interrupts at the moment (if you don't compare it to ranger interrupter), but it would be very nice addition to the interrupt mesmer and allow them to stay out of harms way easier.
Ranger with practised stance, choking gas + IAS = almost constant interrupt already at the moment. Anyway, my post wasn't even suggesting that mesmers should have lower interrupt cooldown.
Warriors have distracting blow. Funny, when I run warrior I usually have knockdown and interrupt ability. Don't forget the massives of warriors with gale at the moment.
Lord Iowerth
Well, mesmer interrupts are far more nasty IMHO than warrior/ranger interrupts. Power Leak? Power Spike? both extremely nasty spells, that only target spells. And your point is? Only way to block an interrupt spell like a mesmer uses is with SpellBreaker ... if you're under an evasion stance, out of line-of-sight (ranger), or not in melee range (warrior): you can't be interrupted by a warrior or ranger. Yes their interrupts can nab signets/skills/attacks and such, but they have other restrictions. Warrior interrupt is PAINFULLY slow unless under attack-speed boost.
Playing my favorite condition-spammer/interruptor build in RA, I was surreptiously beaten up by a signet of midnight mesmer ... who blinded me, and danced after my futile attempts to do anything once he'd done so. Tried to cast a spell I brought? Power spike, 80something damage ... tried to kite, imagined burden. He just owned the pants off me and there was nothing I could do about it.
Honestly, a well played (and properly skilled) Mesmer > all.
Playing my favorite condition-spammer/interruptor build in RA, I was surreptiously beaten up by a signet of midnight mesmer ... who blinded me, and danced after my futile attempts to do anything once he'd done so. Tried to cast a spell I brought? Power spike, 80something damage ... tried to kite, imagined burden. He just owned the pants off me and there was nothing I could do about it.
Honestly, a well played (and properly skilled) Mesmer > all.
You only listed the pros of ranger/warrior interrupts and the cons of mesmer interrupts. Here is a better list:
Pros of Mesmer: More damage, or energy denial in their interrupts.
More variety of interrupts.
Cons of Ranger/Warrior: That ranger annoying you? Hide behind a rock.
That warrior annoying you? Have a monk cast guardian/ aegis.
Basically anything that blocks/evades (distortion, WD, guardian, aegis, wards, etc. etc.) can stop physical interrupts. Each class has its pros and cons, which is why this game is balanced.
So basically on added ranger, no thanks.
EDIT: Person above me beat me to it :/.
Pros of Mesmer: More damage, or energy denial in their interrupts.
More variety of interrupts.
Cons of Ranger/Warrior: That ranger annoying you? Hide behind a rock.
That warrior annoying you? Have a monk cast guardian/ aegis.
Basically anything that blocks/evades (distortion, WD, guardian, aegis, wards, etc. etc.) can stop physical interrupts. Each class has its pros and cons, which is why this game is balanced.
So basically on added ranger, no thanks.
EDIT: Person above me beat me to it :/.
Eet GnomeSmasher
Yeah people seem to only look at the cons of the skills they want buffed and only use the pros of the other skills that they're comparing to.
As said before by other posters, there are so many freaking ways to counter ranger and warrior interrupts compared to counters to mesmer interrupts.
As said before by other posters, there are so many freaking ways to counter ranger and warrior interrupts compared to counters to mesmer interrupts.
I think the range for interrupting is fine. The (minor) additional range of a ranger with longbow is offset by increased travel time for an arrow. Even with favourable winds/read the wind this would be significant when interrupting 1s spells.
The only thing I'd like to see with mesmer interrupts, is that if I use an interrupt skill, I don't want it to queue to be used after what I'm currently just finishing casting, and I don't want to automatically move 5 feet closer to the target because I do happen to be out of range. I'd like it to simply fire on the instant, or fail.
(a mesmer).
The only thing I'd like to see with mesmer interrupts, is that if I use an interrupt skill, I don't want it to queue to be used after what I'm currently just finishing casting, and I don't want to automatically move 5 feet closer to the target because I do happen to be out of range. I'd like it to simply fire on the instant, or fail.
(a mesmer).
Originally Posted by nitrile
I think the range for interrupting is fine. The (minor) additional range of a ranger with longbow is offset by increased travel time for an arrow. Even with favourable winds/read the wind this would be significant when interrupting 1s spells.
Former Ruling
And interupting with a Longbow at max range? Thats screaming "please kite me".
Originally Posted by Valdaran Longfoot
Mesmers are anti-casters
Oh dear.
/Cast Ineptitude on wammo
Originally Posted by xBakox
You only listed the pros of ranger/warrior interrupts and the cons of mesmer interrupts. Here is a better list:
Pros of Mesmer: More damage, or energy denial in their interrupts. More variety of interrupts. Cons of Ranger/Warrior: That ranger annoying you? Hide behind a rock. That warrior annoying you? Have a monk cast guardian/ aegis. Basically anything that blocks/evades (distortion, WD, guardian, aegis, wards, etc. etc.) can stop physical interrupts. Each class has its pros and cons, which is why this game is balanced. So basically on added ranger, no thanks. EDIT: Person above me beat me to it :/. |
I'm not saying rangers and warriors interrupts cannot be countered, but you make it sound like as if mesmer interrupts cannot be countered.
Mesmer interrupts are spells themselves, meaning unless you want to cast through backfire, you may as well not try and interrupt. The best thing about mesmer interrupts, are when they occur, the effect is powerful (but not in my opinion hugely powerful)
I should also mention that most of the ranger/warrior interrupts still do a hell of a lot of damage, especially with preparations on rangers, EVEN IF they mis-time the interrupt. Compare that to mesmer interrupts which end up being a complete waste of energy and cooldown time and may as well be a waste of a skill slot for 15 seconds.
Anyway my point is, I would like it if mesmers didn't have to have the hassle of running away from angry warriors and rangers constantly and still try and remain relatively close to the target you want to interrupt (who could happily sit there and not cast spells until migraine is off, whilst you are being beat up). I'm not saying mesmers interrupts don't have their uses, but I'm saying compared to other classes, I cannot help but feel they need some buffing.
You guys can argue that mesmer interrupts are "balanced" as they are, but outside of TA, who really uses interrupt mesmers seriously? There are so many counters to the anti-warrior/ranger counters you usually don't have to worry about it. And needless to say, interrupting as a mesmer when you are being chased or harrassed is pretty hard, and don't forget about positioning too.
dont forget, the ranger still needs to hit his arrows etc...
dont forget, the ranger still needs to hit his arrows etc...
I think there is nothing wrong with the Mesmer range of interrupts right now. At all. It doesn't need to be increased OR nerfed. If you can play a Mesmer the right way, you need not fear any player. Furthermore, a Mesmer isn't just anti-caster. A good mesmer is anti-anything if played correctly. The right build can take down any character.
Once again, if you have problems playing a Mesmer (like some people have problems playing the "new" Fire Ele) it's a case of not knowing how to build.
Once again, if you have problems playing a Mesmer (like some people have problems playing the "new" Fire Ele) it's a case of not knowing how to build.
Inturrpting Orison with a Ranger Long/Flatbow is next to impossible unless you fire Savage or Distracting show randomly.
With Mesmer Power Spike you alteast have a chance to see it and hit the button as long as they are in your bubble.
Rangers for efficent inurrputs on short casts need to use a Short/Half Moon range, which is in the melee battle which is what you want your Mesmer to aviod right?
With Mesmer Power Spike you alteast have a chance to see it and hit the button as long as they are in your bubble.
Rangers for efficent inurrputs on short casts need to use a Short/Half Moon range, which is in the melee battle which is what you want your Mesmer to aviod right?
Shadowspawn X
Originally Posted by Scourgey
I would make a poll, but I can't seem to find a button for it.
Anyway, I believe the mesmer interrupt spells should have a range increase. Why? 1) Rangers have a longer range interrupts with a long range bow. 2) Warriors & Rangers have interrupts that are much less energy intensive and also do things like disable a skill for 20 seconds (better for shutdown imo) 3) It's a damn pain that when doing an interrupt, the mesmer has to run in another few metres to try interrupt their spell casters which are usually are the back. To get round this, it usually involves making the mesmer go almost into melee range. Rangers generally don't have so much of a problem with this as they aren't as high priority target. 4) Mesmer Interrupts (apart from cry & leech signet) only interrupt spells. 5) Mesmer Interrupts have a much longer cooldown than ranger and warrior interrupts. So for an effective Mesmer interrupter build you generally need several interrupts whereas a ranger/warrior interrupter can get away with less interrupts and do more damage at the same time (if there are no protections around). . |
Don't you ranger interrupters use Read the wind or favourable winds or the recurve bow? The interrupt time isn't great at long range isn't great, but it's still very useful for interrupting the ele casting earthquake or meteor. (And Savage shot still hurts a lot even if the ele has mantra of resolve). Long range interrupts wouldn't be useful for interrupting a monk, I agree. But they are still very good for interrupting the other casters.
By the way, fast cast on an interrupt mesmer isn't really worth it. And siege wyrm has a big casting time bar that is easy to interrupt even from 170 feet away.
Finally, if you are running around (like most mesmers are in pvp), then there's actually a delay between stopping and casting the spell. Meaning it's not easy (but possible) to interrupt 1 second monk spells if you are being chased around with some axe-wielding galing maniac. However the delay doesn't occur if you are wanding them I've noticed though. Mesmers don't have instant cast interrupts either, I wish they did though
By the way, fast cast on an interrupt mesmer isn't really worth it. And siege wyrm has a big casting time bar that is easy to interrupt even from 170 feet away.
Finally, if you are running around (like most mesmers are in pvp), then there's actually a delay between stopping and casting the spell. Meaning it's not easy (but possible) to interrupt 1 second monk spells if you are being chased around with some axe-wielding galing maniac. However the delay doesn't occur if you are wanding them I've noticed though. Mesmers don't have instant cast interrupts either, I wish they did though

what I hate is trying to interupt a spell cast with my mesmer but the caster moves out of range because someone cast firestorm... By the time I'm in range again, the spell has been cast.
Don Vito Corleone
Anyway, I believe the mesmer interrupt spells should have a range increase. Why? |

mesmer at his current range can do alot and more than ranger and warrior why?
1- mesmer has power spike. actually its worth than ranger distraction shot because the interrupted will lose health more than 50 and some of his interrupt skills will drain energy so its still fair.
2- mesmers can be anti-warriors and anti-casters that means it kinda interruption because warriors cant get adrenalin and this is the worst thing for warriors and means death slowely.
3- dont forget diversion because every1 hates this skill.
increasing interrupts range for mesmers means they r overpowered and no 1 will can play aside them.
just try to improve urself as mesmer in this current range and believe me..mesmers can kill rangers, warriors and anything easily.
What a waste of a thread, the only thing that mesmers might have a problem with is the unbearable recharges. Though since we have so many I suppose its fine even as it stands. Also range of a ranger is not some "uber" advantage, the arrow has flight time, and unless you are using a longbow for interupting... which is stupid... you will be short bowing with less range than a mesmer. GG.
If anything needs to be fixed is the waste of a skill backfire. :P
If anything needs to be fixed is the waste of a skill backfire. :P
Ghull Ka
Woah woah woah, you're saying that mesmers should be able to completely make my life miserable, like they do now, from an even greater range?!
No. No no no no no no no deargodinthenameofallthatsgoodandholy no.
Can't sleep... mesmers will interrupt it...
No. No no no no no no no deargodinthenameofallthatsgoodandholy no.
Can't sleep... mesmers will interrupt it...
I have heard that rangers interupts are better, but then the agrument follows that after you use 6 different preps the arrows fly fast and do lots of dmg...
Mesmer interrupts only need one skill slot to be effective and only take 1/4 second (or less if FC is high, which is enough to interrupt distracting shot if you are good). What is not great about that? Long cooldowns? Don't interrupt worthless skills, or use something to speed that up. High Cost? Those come with lots of pain to the interrupted player.
Also, yeah mesmer interrupts trigger backfire, they are spells (mostly), but ranger interupts trigger empathy because it is an attack.
And even better mesmer has interrupts that are actually hexes. Granted that most people will wait it out, but it has effectively stopped that spell from going off.
Someone esle said that for ranger interrupts to be effective on 1 sec cast spells they have to use a short bow anyway. So really the long range interupts are only good for looong cast time spells, which, if you are a mesmer, give you enough time to duck in the extra few steps, interrupt, and leave...
edit: ROTFL @ Ghull Ka! actual tears from reading that...
Mesmer interrupts only need one skill slot to be effective and only take 1/4 second (or less if FC is high, which is enough to interrupt distracting shot if you are good). What is not great about that? Long cooldowns? Don't interrupt worthless skills, or use something to speed that up. High Cost? Those come with lots of pain to the interrupted player.
Also, yeah mesmer interrupts trigger backfire, they are spells (mostly), but ranger interupts trigger empathy because it is an attack.
And even better mesmer has interrupts that are actually hexes. Granted that most people will wait it out, but it has effectively stopped that spell from going off.
Someone esle said that for ranger interrupts to be effective on 1 sec cast spells they have to use a short bow anyway. So really the long range interupts are only good for looong cast time spells, which, if you are a mesmer, give you enough time to duck in the extra few steps, interrupt, and leave...
edit: ROTFL @ Ghull Ka! actual tears from reading that...
Well I don't know about you, but a 20 second increased cooldown on me (whatever class) from distracting shot or disrupting chop is a lot more painful than 100 damage from powerspike! You can't choose when exactly to use powerspike in pvp, it's nice if the target had under 100 hp, but usually if they are under 100hp, they will usually be running! (especially if they know an interrupt mesmer is around!)
BTW, the mesmer interrupts that are hexes are quite fun!
I don't think you can really compare the damage between empathy and backfire for interrupts. 1 interrupt from ranger + empathy = 36 damage to interrupter. 1 interrupt from mesmer + backfire = 146 damage to interrupter!
Come on, don't tell me how to "play" a specialised interrupt mesmer then tell me I should be able to kill rangers and warriors with ease at the same time. Remember what type of mesmer I'm talking about.
Seriously though, you guys seem to underestimate ranger interrupters, when used correctly, I would fear them much more than your average typical migraine mesmer (which tend to suck imo) which try and power spike troll unguent or signet of devotion.
After playing the faction weekend, I was pretty pissed to find out that ritualist "rituals" weren't classed as spells, meaning I couldn't interrupt with anything but cry and leech signet! I wanted to use cry of frustration on myself...
BTW, the mesmer interrupts that are hexes are quite fun!
I don't think you can really compare the damage between empathy and backfire for interrupts. 1 interrupt from ranger + empathy = 36 damage to interrupter. 1 interrupt from mesmer + backfire = 146 damage to interrupter!
Come on, don't tell me how to "play" a specialised interrupt mesmer then tell me I should be able to kill rangers and warriors with ease at the same time. Remember what type of mesmer I'm talking about.
Seriously though, you guys seem to underestimate ranger interrupters, when used correctly, I would fear them much more than your average typical migraine mesmer (which tend to suck imo) which try and power spike troll unguent or signet of devotion.
After playing the faction weekend, I was pretty pissed to find out that ritualist "rituals" weren't classed as spells, meaning I couldn't interrupt with anything but cry and leech signet! I wanted to use cry of frustration on myself...
Mesmers don't need any boosts in their ability. Mesmers is the class that's supossed to be "annoying" (don't take me wrong, I LOVE Mesmers), and they're feaking good at this, especially when someone that knows what (s)he's doing.
It's a pitty though, that Interupting Rangers are far better then Interupting Mesmers of any kind. Interupting Rangers are much more accurate, and a good timed interupt streak can make a Monk useless for several seconds, giving your team the chance to use those several seconds to get teammembers down. You won't see many Mesmers doing this though. Mesmers are easily countered, unlike Rangers, which can just keep shooting under most curcomstances.
It's a pitty though, that Interupting Rangers are far better then Interupting Mesmers of any kind. Interupting Rangers are much more accurate, and a good timed interupt streak can make a Monk useless for several seconds, giving your team the chance to use those several seconds to get teammembers down. You won't see many Mesmers doing this though. Mesmers are easily countered, unlike Rangers, which can just keep shooting under most curcomstances.
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Scourgey
Anyway, I believe the mesmer interrupt spells should have a range increase. Why?
That mesmer interrupts are much more expensive to cast is also a factor.
Basically, if you want to interrupt more than the occasional spell, be a ranger.
Originally Posted by XSniper
Inturrpting Orison with a Ranger Long/Flatbow is next to impossible unless you fire Savage or Distracting show randomly.
With Mesmer Power Spike you alteast have a chance to see it and hit the button as long as they are in your bubble. Rangers for efficent inurrputs on short casts need to use a Short/Half Moon range, which is in the melee battle which is what you want your Mesmer to aviod right? |
I'm getting my numbers from here, by the way, as well as speaking from personal experience playing my trap/interrupt ranger through PvE.
So, what ranger interrupts gain in range, they lose in speed, which is one of the most important things for an interrupt. 'Cause if you miss that casting window, your interrupt (unless it's Punishing Shot) is worthless, whether it's a ranger or mesmer one.
Originally Posted by Desbreko
So, what ranger interrupts gain in range, they lose in speed, which is one of the most important things for an interrupt. 'Cause if you miss that casting window, your interrupt (unless it's Punishing Shot) is worthless, whether it's a ranger or mesmer one.
And what ranger that is specialised into interrupting doesn't have favourable winds or read the wind?
To MaxieMonster: That's my point, mesmer interrupters aren't as verstile or able to interrupt as frequently as rangers (even if the ranger has only 2 skill slots dedicated to interrupts). An increased range to mesmer them would allow them to use their interrupts from afar, and perhaps give them an increased chance to interrupt that order of pain necromancer or elementalist right at the back of the enemy team.
Yeah, I guess Savage Shot does do normal attack damage even if it doesn't catch a spell. So you can do a little damage even if you fail to interrupt, but I don't think it's going to matter too much in the long run.
And as for the 10 or so damage from Distracting Shot and Concussion Shot, thinking that makes a difference is like thinking a monk hitting people with his wand in between spells makes a difference in the fight. I would hope anyone could see that that's just absurd.
For Favorable Winds and Read the Wind, I just did the math, and it's still nearly impossible to interrupt 1 second skills even with one of them. Those make your arrows move twice as fast, so say you have a longbow with a flight time of 3/4 seconds. That becomes 3/8 seconds, which you still have to add to the 1/2 second activation time of the interrupt. 3/8 + 4/8 = 7/8, so unless you have a reaction time of 1/8 of a second, it ain't happening.
Or, if you want to use a composite/recurve bow and give up your range advantage over a mesmer, you have 1/4 + 2/4 = 3/4, in which case you need a reaction time of 1/4 second. That's borderline possible, but you've been forced to give up your range advantage, as well as keep up a spirit or preparation, just to get anywhere close to a mesmer's interrupt cast time.
So I still hold to my argument that what ranger interrupts have in range and recharge, mesmer interrupts make up for with their super fast cast times. You'll probably never see a ranger interrupt a monk's Orison through anything but luck, but mesmers can do without much trouble. Not to mention I find a lot of the mesmer interrupt side effects to be worse than the ranger ones, with the exception of Concussion Shot.
And as for the 10 or so damage from Distracting Shot and Concussion Shot, thinking that makes a difference is like thinking a monk hitting people with his wand in between spells makes a difference in the fight. I would hope anyone could see that that's just absurd.
For Favorable Winds and Read the Wind, I just did the math, and it's still nearly impossible to interrupt 1 second skills even with one of them. Those make your arrows move twice as fast, so say you have a longbow with a flight time of 3/4 seconds. That becomes 3/8 seconds, which you still have to add to the 1/2 second activation time of the interrupt. 3/8 + 4/8 = 7/8, so unless you have a reaction time of 1/8 of a second, it ain't happening.
Or, if you want to use a composite/recurve bow and give up your range advantage over a mesmer, you have 1/4 + 2/4 = 3/4, in which case you need a reaction time of 1/4 second. That's borderline possible, but you've been forced to give up your range advantage, as well as keep up a spirit or preparation, just to get anywhere close to a mesmer's interrupt cast time.
So I still hold to my argument that what ranger interrupts have in range and recharge, mesmer interrupts make up for with their super fast cast times. You'll probably never see a ranger interrupt a monk's Orison through anything but luck, but mesmers can do without much trouble. Not to mention I find a lot of the mesmer interrupt side effects to be worse than the ranger ones, with the exception of Concussion Shot.
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Desbreko
YYou'll probably never see a ranger interrupt a monk's Orison through anything but luck
It wouldn't make too much of a differnce in a whole but i prefer surgers tbh, theres no way to stop it, with migraine it can be removed with a holy veil but surg0rs justpwn
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Not true. I switch to a shortbow/halfmoon, run close & use read the wind or favorable winds, and then I can reliably interrupt orizon. This works well on PvE bosses, but a human player of course wont stand still and spam spells when an enemy ranger is standing next to them.
But the argument seems to be focused on a PvP setting, so I don't think that matters. Real people aren't nearly so predictable, and like you said, they're not going to let a ranger sit next to them while they're casting. So there's no way I could pull off those same stunts in PvP.