Why So Much Money?

Dario D.

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006


I dont understand what the point is of having for than like 15k in this game.

Is there actually a reason? So far, having gotten about as far as Droknar's, I haven't needed much money for anything, other than Runners...

Runners, I might add, who charge up to 10k per person, for reasons vastly outside of my understanding... as if they needed it for something.

Am I missing something? Lots of people in towns seem so obsessed with money, and I simply can't figure out what on earth they need it for, or what they do with it.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



15k armor from Granite Citadel and Marhan's Grotto. Just looks nicer, but costs 15k per part, and a ton more crafting materials.

FoW armor is closer to 1 million gold. 15k gold base armor cost, plus Ectoplasm, shards and other silly rare crafting materials..

Assume FoW price has come down a lot along Ecto prices but still.

Buying superior runes, Monk ones 10k+ each, Absorption closer to 100k, Vigor something in lines of 50k.

Green weapons sell for silly amounts of gold as well, and certain unavailable weapons are above and beyond 100k in worth.

Dario D.

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006


Oh, I see. Thanks for the unoffensive reply.

Btw, green weapons?

William Stark

William Stark

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005


The Imperial Guards


Two of the updates to the game have been new PVE areas (sorrows furnace and the new Underworld in Hall of Heroes) where bosses can drop 'green items'.
So called because theire names come up in green, they will also often have names that relate to the boss who dropped them eg Grognars Defender.

They are prized because they have max stats and always requirements of 9.

You can get better gold items from a really lucky drop, but greens are consistently decent. Guildwiki has a complete set of stats for them.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



Originally Posted by Dario D.
Btw, green weapons?
Unique 'named' weapons, Unique Items List at GuildWiki for more info.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005


Green weapons are perfect weapons dropped by bosses at either sorrows furnace, grenth's footprint or the new UW.

Back to your original question, people have more then 15k to get "fancy stuff". For example a +30 mod on a sword could cost you a hefty 60k but you can easily get through the game without the mod. Also people pay a lot of money for things needed in builds etc. IMO 10k should get you through the whole game.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

See that third planet from the sun?

Sacred Forge Knights


skills. You have to buy 1/3 of them for both professions of one character. Talking like 40-50 plat. Work more then one character and the money can get tight. But I find skill points being much tighter.




Join Date: Oct 2005

Wichita, KS

We Dupe Sojs {DUPE}


10K cant get you through the entire game. Droks armor itself is 20K.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by Valdis
10K cant get you through the entire game. Droks armor itself is 20K.
...My bad...


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



Originally Posted by Valdis
10K cant get you through the entire game. Droks armor itself is 20K.

7,5k is the base cost for the armor, and you should have most of the materials required by the time you reach drok, if you have salvaged stuff actively.

And there's always Collector's armor that doesn't cost anything...



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Hearts Of Fury [HoF]


And once you have the nice looking armor, it's time to dye it... just to look that little bit different from everyone else. Last I looked, black was 7K and silver 600g.

It all adds up.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Defenders of the Blackblade [DotB]


Most money is for pure cosmetics reasons. I just spend a good load on a Chaos Axe, just cus it looks better.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Retired Officer


Originally Posted by Dario D.
Is there actually a reason? So far, having gotten about as far as Droknar's, I haven't needed much money for anything, other than Runners...
i do hope you're not buying runs on your first character...



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Guild Hall, Vent, Guesting, PvE, or the occasional HA match...

Dark Alley [dR]

Originally Posted by William Stark
the new Underworld in Hall of Heroes
This is a problem that i have. IT IS NOT THE NEW UNDERWORLD!!!! Its the Tomb of the Primevil Kings. Underworld there is only a map. one of many that are apart of the tombs maps and a replica of the pvp version, but in no way is it the new UW... Its tombs.



Black Beast of Aarrrrgghh

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

The Biggyverse [PLEB] // Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

I made my PvE monk ready for PvP. That costs a lot, not even a clue how much, but a lot....


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Makkert
I made my PvE monk ready for PvP. That costs a lot, not even a clue how much, but a lot....
You bought collector's items?



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Arturo02
skills. You have to buy 1/3 of them for both professions of one character. Talking like 40-50 plat. Work more then one character and the money can get tight. But I find skill points being much tighter.
40-50 plat? That can't be right, can it?

But even if it is, you don't NEED to buy every skill in the game... just the ones you want.

If money (or skill points) are a problem, and you feel you must unlock every skill, play an hour of Random Arena and get 1,000 faction to spend on a skill! True, it won't help your PvE char, but at least it's unlocked for when you move on to PvP.

Meh, I guess it's farming either way...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

See that third planet from the sun?

Sacred Forge Knights


it is right. Each char will have in the area of 60 skills that cannot be quested. First 20 will cost I think 7 or 8 plat total, then the rest 1 plat each.

The good thing is if you just play the game, you will have enough gold to unlock your skills.

"If money (or skill points) are a problem, and you feel you must unlock every skill, play an hour of Random Arena and get 1,000 faction to spend on a skill! True, it won't help your PvE char, but at least it's unlocked for when you move on to PvP."

Faction is actually kinda inefficient for unlocking skills. You only get to use it for pvp. Faction for runes and item mods is much smarter because you don't need the options of many different mods for pve, and most runes are cheap to buy.

forgot to add...

yah you don't NEED every skill, but the game changes, the metagame changes. I've played other games where when they make changes, people have to spend time relearning skills to adapt to them. Here we have the ability to learn everything and keep it, no sense not having everything unlocked.

Ghastly Hero

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Archanic Lords of Ambivelance [ALOA]

scroll up, and hit the auctions button. Just scroll through, many items cost well over 30-40k. Last time i check, a really good chaos axe was at 1mil

Jay the Jake

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

central United States



I wish I had kept a total of gold I have spent on my first player.I really wasted alot on him. I didnt know anyone that played and knew alot of the 'tricks' of the game. Like I got armor @ Ascalon City & Yaks Bend, I sold everything or used the expert salvage kit on everything (thinking it would net more material from an item than a regular salvage kit). I put major runes on every piece of my armor. Man that was frustrating when I joined a guild and asked why I was dying so much. LOL.
But back to the topic yes you need alot of gold to buy just the minimal stuff ie armor, runes, cap sigs to cap elite skills etc etc. Then you have the stuff that everyone wants their dye, perfect shield, weapon, staff offhand item etc.
Think I might do that with my next character I make keep a record of how much gold I spend on them.. not really but its alot




Join Date: Oct 2005

Wichita, KS

We Dupe Sojs {DUPE}


Originally Posted by Kaguya

7,5k is the base cost for the armor, and you should have most of the materials required by the time you reach drok, if you have salvaged stuff actively.

And there's always Collector's armor that doesn't cost anything...
True, when your on your first charactor you salvage and keep everything.
But after your first charactor most people dont save salvage materials, you need the space for mods, weapons, offhands, shields, dyes and other things. To be honest the only materials found in most peoples storage are materials that they feel like they can make money on...... like wood for parchement and parchment itself.
And how many people do you know that have actually had all the materials required to make Droks armor by the time they get there? When I got to Droks I sure as heck didn't have the:
200 iron + 28 Steel to make Platemail (15,500 total) or
200 iron + 128 Tanned Hides to make Glads (13K total).......
So if you dont have all the materials you have to buy them



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


Nope. No need for massive amount on gold in the game. Glad there are others out there that are discovering this... Generally speaking I try to keep around 20 to 30k for armors or whatever... but that's about it...

I rarely have much more then 30k... Which often gets me laughed at in Guru. as most in here think if your not uber rich, your a n00b... whatever... But in reality... almost every great item in the game is available as a collector item variant or a drop from a boss...

Jay the Jake

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

central United States



most I have had at one time was like 40k. That went quick though. I had just went thru characters leaving about 1k on them & just deposited the rest into storage. I was talking with a guildie on the guild channel when I saw someone selling a sup vigor for 32k. So 10 mins my storage acct was at 36k. think I have actually finally gotten it back up to 31k again. usually I hover between 10-18k in storage.

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

At an Insit.. Intis... a house.

Live Forever Or Die Trying [GLHF]


Originally Posted by Dario D.
I dont understand what the point is of having for than like 15k in this game.
1) Bragging rights.
2) 15K armor -> more bragging rights.
3) Perfect weapons in rare skins -> more bragging rights.
4) FoW armor -> more bragging rights.
5) all of the above in black plus full storage with nothing but 255 stacks of ecto -> ultimate bragging rights.

In short, no you don't NEED more than in the region of 15K at any point in the PvE game (to buy Droknars Armor), but to some it's kindof a game in itself.