Command to display character levels
Lilac One
In the town for a coop mission you can see the player levels. Is there a command so that you can see this in all towns?
Caged Fury
No, not that I know of. Coop mission areas display profession and level to help players organise their party quicker. In non-mission places, you'll just have to click on people to peek at their profession and level.
Lilac One
Ok thanks - it was just a thought . . .
The Unknown Enemy
I wish they'd have an optional tab to where it will display the character level and profession....would be nice >.>
That is a very good idea, have you thought about posting this in Sardelac Sanitarium to see if others jump on it?
Lilac One
Now that it looks like a new idea rather than one that I just don't know about I think I will post it there!