PvP and PvE balance + damage= W/??


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

Hi guys - I've been toying with the different classes pre-sear to try to figure out what I want - honestly I haven't gotten far as I have limited play times. I'm going to describe some of the things I'd like to do and perhaps you could steer me in the right direction:

1. I prefer more of a damage dealing class over support. I'm thinking Warrior primary based on my playstyle and also looks (ahhh vanity)
2. I'd like to mix it up with some spell-casting - whether it be de-buffing my target to make it more squishy or just piling on damage.
3. I'm looking for decent PVP/PVE balance. As a person who isn't likely to play a huge amount, I need to be efficient. So, while I would LOVE to be great in all things, compromise is my friend. So, balance is key for me.

So with those things in mind I'm thinking some of the following combinations. Please provide feedback on how they play. I've tried to read as much as I can so I know some but I'm still undecided:

-W/M - I would try this if everyone and their Auntie wasn't one... may work, but I'd like a little more uniqueness.
W/E - again, its the stock answer, so while I know its definitely a possibility I'd like to see if the others meet the mark

-W/R - I read a compelling IGN thread that described this mix. Ungent and some other skills along with the armor = pretty deadly and hard to kill
-W/N - this intrigues me - could you do a warrior that used AoE damage and self healing? Hmmm how would this one be played?
W/Me - sounds too complicated... but show me I can destroy things and I'll do it heh.

PS I will say that the one non-melee class I found to be exceedingly powerful (at least in the beginning) was a N/Mo combo... the necro and monk damage seemed to really sync up and the drain/heal effects really kept me going for the fight. How do you see this char in terms of a damage dealer/self sustainer in PvP/PvE?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

On my ship, the Rubber Duckie

well, i wouldent know much about war/N,E,Me buit War/Mo and R are things i can atest to being awsome.

In skilled hands (with good gear) a War/Mo is damn neer invunerable in PvE and in PvP is a massive force to be reconed with :P

War/R is also a great choice becaus of all the evasion skills, makeing you one hell of a hard to hit target, and works wonders in PvE. PvP on the other hand, people will ignore you and the mages will attack you instead, since nothing else can hit you >_>


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Warrior Nation [WN]


Well I've played W/N and W/E

I got my W/N to 10, and found that the skills I had were a little lacking, its kinda a middle road between W/Mo and W/E ... I decided to reroll... I'll go back to playing it after I've unlocked some more skills, in high levels W/N are appearently just sick from what guildies tell me.

I am now playinga W/E currently 16 and so far I am having a blast (litterally)

While playing in PvE W/E I've come to learn a few things...

Gotta play fire or Eath. -- At least till you get more spells, at lion's Arch you get conjure flame, and provided you have a flame weapon (there are parts to make weapons into flame) you do alot of bonus damage... I think I'm getting +10 damage a swing right now. Fire also gives you great damage with Phoenix and Inferno.

Earth is the oposite, you are a tank, you soak, ward against melee/elements is a great line of spells, but your damage output is about 75% lower then the fire breed.

Axe or Sword -- Sadly the Elementalist spells are built for characters with 60+ Mana -- which means you'll most likely need a focus to play it right, hammers need 2 hands... bummer. -- Although if you were Hammer/Earth THAT would work awesome.

From here on out, its written from a Fire perspective.

Instants casts are your friend... with all the melee damage a W/E can do between Strength, weaponskills, conjures and just attacking... every second spent casting is another second you can't swing... use instant nukes like inferno to get the spell off and resume swinging, yes it has a long recast time... but thats ok =P

Bring a Big Nuke.
At least up untill The Seaboard, I've always carried a big honking damage dealer... I personally like Phoenix cause it can drop a ton of AoE damage provided you are right in the face of the thing you want to kill (and you're a warrior why wouldn't you? be) yep it costs 15 energy, and yeah its recast time is pretty long, but for the damage it does and its cast time, its worth it!

You are your team's greatest Damage asset
Litterally running into a crowd, casting phoenix, then immediately following up with inferno is about 200ish AoE damage (give or take) most monsters just fall... dead...

You are vulnerable to death.
Other then Healing Signet A W/E has no real reliable way of healing itself -- you may die even if your healer is good... the fire W/E is kinda Sacrifical in some ways, you run in pop what you have and then keep swinging at anything is standing till you get your energy / timers back... but man I have fun play it.