What do you guys merchant?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


What do you guys merchant and a list/range of merchantable items would be nice




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Boston, MA

Blood Of Orr [BoO]

It's more practical to ask what we don't merchant.

99% of the time white and blue items are merchant (with the exception of some very rare skins).

95% of the time purple items are merchant.

Any gold item with a good damage mod and max damage are usually reliable to sell to players. Gold items with good weapon mods are good for salvaging.

It's best just to hang around the Price Check forum and learn from there.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

My criteria for merchant fodder is as follows:

- Materials with Merchant value of under 1k
- Anything not gold
- - ^ excludes very rare skinned items



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


Salvaged materials in bulk, Runes (Just to drive the price down, which pisses off the inflators), Dyes (especially blacks again lowers the value eventually if selling enough of it), Precious IDed Drops, Gems, and Globs of Ecto...

Upgrades mods I keep for myself and my guild...
Gold or Green Max Dmg items I keep for rewards in my guild.

Once I get a rather full inventory / storage, I go and turn it into about 30K - 40K normally from the merchants... That takes quite some time however... Salvave is not worth what it once was... But its just not good to trade for stuff in game. too much to exploit or scam with. so I use NPCs for everything... as everyone should...




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

I merchant any item worth 300+ gold which I do not plan to keep or sell to other players. I salvage anything else.

Jay the Jake

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

central United States



anything with a value of 250+ that I dont need or not worth the time to try & sell to a player I sell. Dyes if guildies dont need them than I sell to dye trader, except for silver I will sell to players. (I would add black, but I have only had 1 black drop). Runes same as dyes. Everything else I salvage, when storage is full I give guildies 2-3 days to lay claim to materials they 'need' the rest I got to Droks & sell to players needing them for armor.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

New Jersey

The Adventurer's Society [TAS]


Originally Posted by Kasissia
What do you guys merchant and a list/range of merchantable items would be nice

Don't merchant.. the salvage kit is your friend.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Thanks guys