I have searched these forums high and low for the past few days trying to find some really simple answers. I will just list some questions that i have below , please feel free to answer them as best as you can. I apologise if i have missed them in other posts, there is just so much other info masking the details that i am after.
1. Where can i get armour for my Monk ??? both vendor (if cities, which ?) or quests ???
2. Where can i get weapons for my Monk ???
3. Should i even bother concentrating on new weapons and armour at low levels ???
4. Do i just get new spells from completing quests ? or can u buy new spells ? If so where for a Monk ?
These are the main things that i need to know at the moment. Thankyou very much in advance to any light you may shed on this subject for me . Please no flaming i have looked around already but can't find any answers !!!
Monk Questions ???
1. "Vendor" only: armor crafters in cities (requires gold and materials)
2. Item drops from monsters, trading with other players, weapon crafter, collector (trade monster parts for a weapon), quest reward
3. No, play though and buy better armor when it is available
4. Yes; yes
2. Item drops from monsters, trading with other players, weapon crafter, collector (trade monster parts for a weapon), quest reward
3. No, play though and buy better armor when it is available
4. Yes; yes
koneko is mostly correct, apart from 1..
1. You can get armor from either Armor Crafter's in Cities, or you can get "collector" armor from collector's that are found all over the game world. Collector armor is base armor with no bonuses or penalties to it. There are no armor's given as quest rewards.
Cities you can find armor Crafters - Ascalon city (post-searing), Yak's Bend, Lion's Arch, Bergen Hot Springs, Beetletun, Quarrel Falls, Ventari's Refuge, Henge of Denravi, Amnoon Oasis & Droknar's forge.
3. Nope, just play through the storyline and use the weapons, focii, etc you get as you complete quest's or can craft from Crafter's as you progress through the storyline.
1. You can get armor from either Armor Crafter's in Cities, or you can get "collector" armor from collector's that are found all over the game world. Collector armor is base armor with no bonuses or penalties to it. There are no armor's given as quest rewards.
Cities you can find armor Crafters - Ascalon city (post-searing), Yak's Bend, Lion's Arch, Bergen Hot Springs, Beetletun, Quarrel Falls, Ventari's Refuge, Henge of Denravi, Amnoon Oasis & Droknar's forge.
3. Nope, just play through the storyline and use the weapons, focii, etc you get as you complete quest's or can craft from Crafter's as you progress through the storyline.
Arya Nibelrund
Armors can be obtained only from armor crafter in cities (not outposts) and collectors (inside and outside outposts). Check www.guildwiki.org for a full list of collectors and materials they need.
I wouldn't bother buying a new armor everytime you can, just save up money until you get to Droknar where there is the best stats armor; in the meantime go with collectors armor.
You get spells completing some quests and from skill trainers in some cities. You'll find an outpost later on in the game where u can obtain all the non-elite skills (obviously you have to pay for them, cash and a skill point).
I wouldn't bother buying a new armor everytime you can, just save up money until you get to Droknar where there is the best stats armor; in the meantime go with collectors armor.
You get spells completing some quests and from skill trainers in some cities. You'll find an outpost later on in the game where u can obtain all the non-elite skills (obviously you have to pay for them, cash and a skill point).
Originally Posted by kamatsu
koneko is mostly correct, apart from 1..
Originally Posted by koneko
Blah, I'm tired ._. I read the question as "vendor or quests?" and didn't think about collectors.