Hi all
I’m new to “Guild Wars.” So new in fact that I don’t actually have the game yet! I’ve been lucky enough to have it ordered for me as a belated birthday present and now I have two weeks to wait until it arrives.
So I thought I’d spend the two weeks productively by reading the “Guild” website and trying for once to get a handle on the basics before even setting foot in the game world. While doing this I saw something that made me wonder and so I thought I’d ask you about it.
(Although I’ve been trying to ask you for a couple of days now. Some kind of problem on the forum has stopped me reliably accessing it or posting.)
It has to do with the game client being downloadable from the website. I know that there is no monthly fee to pay, only the initial cost of the game, so I figured that the availability of the client download meant you could also purchase it online. (Not that I’d want to personally)
But on looking into it a little further I discovered that you can download the client but need a “key” to activate it. Said key to be found in the retail release.
So my question (doubtless first of many) is….. and I appreciate that I’m probably missing the obvious here…. If you have the retail release and hence a “key” (two weeks and counting!) what on earth would you want the client download for??
Apart from this I’d also hoped to ask you where the best place might be to learn about various aspects of th game itself. I have browsed the main webpage (Which is how I found my way here) which seems well presented but doesn’t have all that much actual info.
Browsing this forum for interesting topics seems a good idea, (assuming I can start to access its pages properly) but where do you all go for in depth breakdowns on characters, skills, professions and the like? Which are your favourite haunts?
Well that’s it for now, look forward to seeing you in game.
All the best
Ahoy The Players
Best way to learn about the game is to actually play the game.
About why you would want to buy or download the game is simple. You don't need to download the specific areas when you reach them, wich minimizes load times.
About why you would want to buy or download the game is simple. You don't need to download the specific areas when you reach them, wich minimizes load times.
Hi Rhaz, nice to meet you
The best way to learn about the game might well be to play it, but I won't be in that happy position for two weeks. In the meantime I was hoping to read up on it. I'm sure there must be good places to do this. Anyone else have ideas?
You have me scratching my head regards the download though.. I think we might be talking at crossed purposes. Blame me, it's usually me

The best way to learn about the game might well be to play it, but I won't be in that happy position for two weeks. In the meantime I was hoping to read up on it. I'm sure there must be good places to do this. Anyone else have ideas?
You have me scratching my head regards the download though.. I think we might be talking at crossed purposes. Blame me, it's usually me

You don't need to buy a retain box as you can purchase said cd-key's via www.PlayNC.com - this is why there's a d/l'able client available, since you can use that and purchase a "key" for it online.
However, I've heard that the quality of graphics and such is worse via the net d/l client rather than the CD version. However, I can't verify this as I have the CD version - and to honest, don't see why ANet/NCSoft would mess things up like that...
But in your case, since you have a "box" incomming, I'd suggest avoid buying another accounts.. unless you want to have access to 8 characters rather than 4 :P
However, I've heard that the quality of graphics and such is worse via the net d/l client rather than the CD version. However, I can't verify this as I have the CD version - and to honest, don't see why ANet/NCSoft would mess things up like that...
But in your case, since you have a "box" incomming, I'd suggest avoid buying another accounts.. unless you want to have access to 8 characters rather than 4 :P
If you want to read up on GW, my advice would be to go through ALL the guides & articles on this site, go over every online review and pre-view available.. I'd also say go to each fansite linked from the GW mainsite.. there's a lot of info spread around about the game with heaps of screenshots, movies, etc around...
I bought the game key on-line, as I couldn't find the box anywhere in stores here 
My video cards is pulling GW only barely so if the reduced graphics are true, then that doesn't hurt me too much. The only tiny downside is that when you enter a new area for the first time you will have to wait about 30 seconds for all the files to download. They download really fast.

My video cards is pulling GW only barely so if the reduced graphics are true, then that doesn't hurt me too much. The only tiny downside is that when you enter a new area for the first time you will have to wait about 30 seconds for all the files to download. They download really fast.
There really isn't alot of documented in-depth information about the game yet. Guild Wars Guru is actually one of the best if not possibly the best site as far as information available. The game just came out a couple weeks ago, and to get all the in-depth details you're looking for it's going to take more time for people to test and document it. I don't know of any games that had all that much information/faqs available within the first couple weeks. Hence, the person above saying the best way to figure out is to play it. The only other option is to look around here and the few other popular fansites linked from guildwars.com, and read as much as possible in the forums and articles sections. Some of the best information currently available is discussed in these forums.
As far as the downloadable client, it is used if you get a cd key online, so you can play instantly without waiting for a cd to be sent to you. If you have the cd, then you will not need to use it.
As far as the downloadable client, it is used if you get a cd key online, so you can play instantly without waiting for a cd to be sent to you. If you have the cd, then you will not need to use it.
Welcome u'll luv the game ive only seen 1 that dusnt like it so far but I think he was a warcraft nerd
Easiest way to learn is to play it like some said its pretty easy on what to do at the start to help you understand the game.
You will see collectors outside the towns to get some armour I did this which was a complete waste of time as you can just buy much better armour once you leave the walls (2-3days if u do it fast enough).
Most quests have arrows/sign/clues where to go so 9/10 you wont get lost
. Try join a guild once u leave the beginners area they will help on answers

Easiest way to learn is to play it like some said its pretty easy on what to do at the start to help you understand the game.
You will see collectors outside the towns to get some armour I did this which was a complete waste of time as you can just buy much better armour once you leave the walls (2-3days if u do it fast enough).
Most quests have arrows/sign/clues where to go so 9/10 you wont get lost

Thanks all for the swift replies 
Of course! The “key” can be got online as well! D’oh!! Told you I was probably missing the obvious.
As far as the game info goes, I’ll just have to sink my teeth into the forums and pick up odds & ends that way.
I must admit I thought that the game had been out longer than two weeks in the States, so I’m learning something already.
Thanks for the advice on the Armour Ziniue, I’ll bear that in mind once I get to dip my sword & sandals in the Guild Wars waters.
Thanks again all

Of course! The “key” can be got online as well! D’oh!! Told you I was probably missing the obvious.
As far as the game info goes, I’ll just have to sink my teeth into the forums and pick up odds & ends that way.

Thanks for the advice on the Armour Ziniue, I’ll bear that in mind once I get to dip my sword & sandals in the Guild Wars waters.
Thanks again all