the pvp arenas such as fort kriga, the crag, amnon arena
have they been removed? Cus i cant get there by going trought amnon oasis, ember light camp and so on..
PvP arenas
You get to all the PvP area's through the Battle Isles now. To get to the Battle Isles select "M" to bring up your map, click on the ship thats near Lion's Arch and select the 1 and only option there. That will take you to the Battle Isles where you can find the Random Arena's, Team Arena's and Heroe's Ascent PvP area's.
there is no those arenas
if you have a new account (post-battle isles release) you have to finish training and 2 pvp-style missions first before you can access the random arena, 5 wins there will grant you access to team arena's and so on, or at least that's what i read somewhere ...
coldplay was the only one the really answeared my questions..
so then they have been remove during a old update too bad.
so then they have been remove during a old update too bad.