Some of the skills that are displayed here on the guru website have {Elite} next to them. I could be missing something but I cannot seem to figure out what the difference is.. or better yet .. what does it mean-- Many of the Elite skills shown do not have an icon pic. Does this mean the skill/spell is not implemented yet?
Thanks for your time in the response.
Sausaletus Rex
Elite skills are implemented. Their icons are not included in the fansite kit or readily available outside of the game so they're hard to get a hold of, at least in a way where they'd look as nice as we'd like them to.
All an elite tag on a skill means is that you can only have one elite skill on your skill bar at a time. Practically, that makes elites a lot more powerful/valuable than other skills and they're often arguably better than normal skills. But the only difference, as far as the game is concerned, is that you can have all the normal skills you want but only one {Elite} (In game they're marked with a little star on the bottom of their icon, by the way.).
All an elite tag on a skill means is that you can only have one elite skill on your skill bar at a time. Practically, that makes elites a lot more powerful/valuable than other skills and they're often arguably better than normal skills. But the only difference, as far as the game is concerned, is that you can have all the normal skills you want but only one {Elite} (In game they're marked with a little star on the bottom of their icon, by the way.).