Getting what you pay for


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005


I just found a major vigor outside Lion's Arch. This was cause for celebration, since I could now reliably pocket some cash from selling it. But then I noticed the +41hp in the item description, so I thought "I wonder how much of a bonus a superior vigor gives...?" So I checked it out. For a total of 50 hitpoints, 9 more than the major variety, the rune merchant jacks up the price by another 30 thousand or so. Make sense? No, but I went with it. So I start advertising my major vigor, selling for a mere 20k, since, it being only 9hp less than its overpriced cousin, should be reasonable. Call it a damaged-goods fee.

Naturally, I'm not expecting to actually sell the thing for 20k, but I thought it'd be an interesting thing to talk about: How a difference of a few hitpoints is the difference between a reasonably affordable and a 'mortgage the house' expensive item. At least, considering what it IS, after all: just 41 and 50 extra hitpoints, depending on which version you buy.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

One of Many [ONE]

Money is pretty easy to get in this game, especially at later areas of the game. The trader's prices are based on a supply and demand forumla. Since that amount of money isn't *that* hard to get why not? It's not like you have much else to spend the money on, thus nearly everyone wants the perfect one. For many the price difference is as negligable as the extra HP is to you now.

If you want to see pretty much wasted note that the sup absorption rune goes for only 1 less damage than the major. But then if you have the money what else you gonna buy?

Lets put it this way, I played for a good 300 or so hours never getting anyone past ascention - I got bored with the characters and started new ones. When I finally found a build I liked and ascended the 1.5k droks armor wiped me out money wise. In the next 20 or so hours of play I purchased a full 15k set, dyes, and a sigil for a guild hall. Nor am I by any means rich by many peoples standards nor do I really have an effecient farming build, in fact mine would be fairly made fun of if I actually called it a "farming build", though I have used some of the accepted builds from time to time (while very fast and effecient I found it too boring to do).


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by beginners_luck
For a total of 50 hitpoints, 9 more than the major variety, the rune merchant jacks up the price by another 30 thousand or so. Make sense? No, ....

makes sense to about a million other people.

let's were selling a rune for 4 or 5 times the price I could pay the trader for one......
makes sense.........?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Perth, Australia

You would be surprised how much of a difference having just +1 hp can make when you go into competitive places such as HA or GVG.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


The old description of the runes didnt tell you how much HP they added, adding to the illusion that superior vigor is always better.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by lyra_song
The old description of the runes didnt tell you how much HP they added, adding to the illusion that superior vigor is always better.

hehe...when is major vigor better......?


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005


It isn't, but the point is that it's not so much worse, either.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


sorry, dude, you have no point.

you might not realize this, but they don't charge by the hit point.


if your guild wars house carries a 30k mortgage, you must be living in somebody's old boot.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by M1h4iL
You would be surprised how much of a difference having just +1 hp can make when you go into competitive places such as HA or GVG.
HA is competitive? Why didn't someone tell me?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

In the long run if you expect to be saved by 9 hp, then go for it I say.
Besides, it's up to people themselves to set the prices.
Some just don't seem to understand that money means next to nothing in a game like this.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


well, yeah -Loki-, you have to compete for a spot on that new IWAY team that's forming right over there.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Chronicles of Heroes [CoH]


When farming is a rampant practice (like in pretty much every other partly RPG online game), perfection in an item always causes a huge hike in price. Largely because few people are willing to settle for less than the best.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005


If i picked up a sup vigor I would personally sell it, I only have majors on my character as the sup vigor IMHO is a waste of money.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

The Edge

Tormented Weapons [emo]

And a few points can make a world of difference. I've been on many quests where I or a teammate will be the last man standing. We escape with only a couple HP left and are able to return to rez our teammates. I've been down to one before and managed to survive, like many of you I'm sure. So yeah, I get all my post chars have Superior Vigor as soon as I get the money for it...which really doesn't take that long, as mentioned above.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by DABhand
If i picked up a sup vigor I would personally sell it, I only have majors on my character as the sup vigor IMHO is a waste of money.

hehehehehehe....because you're saving your money for...........?



Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by beginners_luck
It isn't, but the point is that it's not so much worse, either.
all right.

i just checked the rune trader and the minor with 30 points is going for 180 gold

the major with only 11 points more (41) isnt that much BETTER so it should go for less than 250 gold.

instead it is above 5000 gold or more than 25 times the price of a minor

the superior gives close to the same increase over the major (9) as the major over the minor (11) but is much less than 25 times the price of the major.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by Loviatar
all right.

i just checked the rune trader and the minor with 30 points is going for 180 gold

the major with only 11 points more (41) isnt that much BETTER so it should go for less than 250 gold.

instead it is above 5000 gold or more than 25 times the price of a minor

the superior gives close to the same increase over the major (9) as the major over the minor (11) but is much less than 25 times the price of the major.

heh..^^^ nominated for best post appearing in this thread.

Valdaran Longfoot

Valdaran Longfoot

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Colorado, US

Furious Dragons Reign [FDR]


We can complain about the prices all day....... wont chane it unless people stop buying runes from traders.

What can not be changed must be endured.

So tell people to stop buying runes.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Pantheon of Shadows [dei]


Was pvping earlier, got smacked down to 3 by a warrior, managed to gale, heal sig, kill him, heal sig, res a teamate, and win the round. Mind this was just comps, but Sup Vig made it happen

Its the same reason people pay more for a 15^50 when 14^50 is identical, they want the perfection.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005



If you have the money and have the option to buy a Major Vigor or Superior Vigor, which would you buy?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

Arcane Nexus [ANX]


Originally Posted by Omnidragon42
Its the same reason people pay more for a 15^50 when 14^50 is identical, they want the perfection.
Indeed, there is no difference in dmg from a 14^50 weap and a 15^50 weapon, but ppl feel the need within their psyche to go after 15^50 weaps. Sigh.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


Remnants of Ascalon, KT alliance


where do you want we put our money into then??

FoW armours? never
15k armours?done
perfect weapons?done
all skills - wraps? done

If I want to play with my PvE characters in PvP I want perfect characters, I don't like ppl who go into PvP with not perfect items...Sometimes it really does mather.



Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by Omnidragon42
Was pvping earlier, got smacked down to 3 by a warrior, managed to gale, heal sig, kill him, heal sig, res a teamate, and win the round. Mind this was just comps, but Sup Vig made it happen
Could've just done the same thing by using a Major Att rune instead of Sup, thus not needing the +9 of the Sup Vigor.

Assuming you ran a Sup Att rune, that is.

Random Scrubinator

Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

the +1 hp lets you take one extra hit with a major vigor while under protective spirit...such incidents rarely occur, though



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Uh there is a great deviation because some are perfectionists and pvpers % among us...

i.e. this type of stuff doesn't suffice:
41HP instead of 50HP
29HP instead of 30HP
19% out of 20%
14% out of 15%
9% out of 10%
2 vampiric instead of 3; 4 vampiric instead of 5



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


Originally Posted by calamitykell
Could've just done the same thing by using a Major Att rune instead of Sup, thus not needing the +9 of the Sup Vigor.

Assuming you ran a Sup Att rune, that is.

but then your sacrificing a point towards one attribute, which can (and often does) make a significant difference