Amusing error
Took this during the GWWC Finals
(Yes I know it's just a glitch...just thought it was cool)
(Yes I know it's just a glitch...just thought it was cool)
Numa Pompilius
Happened to me in random arena once. It can be exploited (a little) as you can run across some obstacles while you're airborne, and that helped me hunt down the lone surviving ranger runner I was chasing.
i wonder if youre arrows get the height damage boost ^^
It's a new mesmer skill called "Illusion of Hack." Haven't you heard?
Mr D J
omg hax :O
I knew it all along. Koreans can fly.
Murder In China
No wonder Koreans pwns us so badly :x
Two April Mornings
Evil's oxymoronic satanic God mode ftw.
Once when me and a party of PUGs were doin Iron Mines, this happened to a ranger in our party, he crossed a none-existing bridge (beside an existing one), dunno if I screened it, think I did, but it's on another computer...
I also saw this. Thought I was lagging
heh, i was a minion master in Abbandons Mouth, i created 1 fiend, all of a sodden he was walking on the sky, over the fort, HE WAS OWNING, i kept make fiend and they went on the sky 2, i had around 15 fiends walking on the sky, owning all the mursat when the mursat was just standing around taking dmg, all the monk consintrated on healing the minions, i kept spamming veterars sacrifice. it was awsome, and when we had to destroy the seals towds the end, lets just say i only had to kill one person myself. the fiends just owned everyone else.
Does anyone remember way back, during the first month or so after release, the henchmen were notorious for this floating bug? To make things worse, they didnt just fight from up there, they would literally just run off in a straight line so some unknown area off the map. It used to happen so often...sometimes more than one would do it, so I would just restart the mission/quest.
Cyan The Archer
Don't you get it? It's WINDborne speed they're using!
Originally Posted by ashed
Does anyone remember way back, during the first month or so after release, the henchmen were notorious for this floating bug? To make things worse, they didnt just fight from up there, they would literally just run off in a straight line so some unknown area off the map. It used to happen so often...sometimes more than one would do it, so I would just restart the mission/quest.
Some guildies and I had 4 henchmen do this to us last week in Dragon's Lair, the Mesmer section.
Level starts and 4 henchmen just start running, and running, through walls and off the map. We just stood there kind of dumbfounded. We finished that level and started the next and they were back. I guess they had a quick union meeting they had to attend to.
Level starts and 4 henchmen just start running, and running, through walls and off the map. We just stood there kind of dumbfounded. We finished that level and started the next and they were back. I guess they had a quick union meeting they had to attend to.
ive looked at this thread several times and cannot notice the glitch, someone please fill me in
the players walking in the air as in not on the ground
Venenatus Ensis
there's also the glitch where you fall in the ground or through bridges. makes targeting an enemy really difficult
Never seen it in an arena before...