Ask (read: DEMAND!!!!) and you shall recieve.
Way back when I was hoping to unlock jedi and everyone playing SWG was hunting for the fabeled holocrons on Dantooine I screamed in spatial I wanted some. I got some! *links to pic below*
Folder of Pics
Particularly the first two pics there.
Then, I decided to use the same strategy in Guild Wars. Look, hissy fits really do get you what you want!
Again, my psychic powers at work. The person who didn't believe me got one of the THREE drops too. *sigh*
It worked for me in SWG... It still works for me in GW
yes I had that happen once too.. with Malinons shield..
I'll look up that screeny xD
I'll look up that screeny xD
Happent to me when I asked God for an ecto. I got one, and now I go every day too church
Mr D J
lol i wish that happened for me
Never happened for me all 12 times I tried to get the Fleshweaver...
Two April Mornings
yep, never happened to me when i opened that HOH chest that one time, msut be jsut SF
Originally Posted by Woutsie
Happent to me when I asked God for an ecto. I got one, and now I go every day too church
I'd be sad too if I went to church every day.
Well I don't *always* yell that stuff. It's every now and then when I want something in particular. *shrug* :P
Juicey Shake
back when I'd do SF runs, I got a gold armor, alright, happens a lot, usually 8-9 dropped in the runs back then...
Before I can ID it, my friend calls out on vent 'it'll be a major inspiration' I laugh it off, pull up my inventorry.. double click my ID kit and select my shiny new gold armor, hoping for a superior vigor or something else nice..
Guess what I got? Major insipiration, baby. It was funny, at the time.
Before I can ID it, my friend calls out on vent 'it'll be a major inspiration' I laugh it off, pull up my inventorry.. double click my ID kit and select my shiny new gold armor, hoping for a superior vigor or something else nice..
Guess what I got? Major insipiration, baby. It was funny, at the time.
I dunno what they've done to the drops but in my dwarve farming area with my 55, I've been looting minor vigors left and right. I think in the last 4 hours I've looted about 20
of course it helps when you see those bosses wielding the item your calling out... dont you think? lol anyways,... was good for a laugh...