Should the Flame Slinger be Reinstated?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

As confirmed by this thread...

There was once a very powerful Damage Dealer, the Flame Slinger, which was removed from the premade PVP templates for some reason not yet known.

Mods locked the above thread, I assume because its inherent question was answered as it stood. But being that a multitude of questions grew from it, I decided to post it in General Discussion. If a mod/admin wishes this not to occur, or has information on the subject from an equitable source which they could post, I apologize; please lock this thread as well.

Quite honestly, I find the removal of this build quite disturbing. I can't say I ever read about it in any patch notes, either. After scouring the archives, I came up empty, but its entirely possible I missed the memo. Why was this build removed? Shall it be reinstated? Why shouldn't it? It was certainly at the top of the competitive builds list for the arenas, and even for a bunch of noobish Tombers.

I, for one, am deeply distraught at ANets decision, which I only recently picked up on.

Lets Get to Healing


Join Date: Dec 2005

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True Gods of War [True]


Just make the build urself and stop complaining . . .



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005


Xen of Onslaught

What if you don't have that many skills unlocked?

Lets Get to Healing


Join Date: Dec 2005

You want see?

True Gods of War [True]


Originally Posted by Lampshade
What if you don't have that many skills unlocked?
Sounds like a personal problem to me.. . .

Guillaume De Sonoma

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005



its was good to get into PvP but after somewhat useless



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

This build by chris_nin00 is fairly similar to the premade one, and I think it's better. I used it for one of my PvE characters.

/signed to bringing it back as a premade, but with quickshot, not greater conflag.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

I'd like to see it reinstated with a different elite. Greater Conflagration is quite pointless, and can do more harm than good in a random team. Bring it back with Quick Shot or something.

heavy metal rules

heavy metal rules

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

cape cod, ma

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Originally Posted by Lets Get to Healing
Just make the build urself and stop complaining . . .
agreed, what's so hard about making it yourself.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006


Perhaps the fact that to capture conflag you have to have done the last mission. Otherwise the person wouldnt have asked for it to be reinstated if he could make it himself.

Edit: oh wait now there is Faction points, i nearly forgot that. :P


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Cries of Frustration [Cry]

you dont really need greater conflag if you have fiery bow string



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by fl13dl1c3
you dont really need greater conflag if you have fiery bow string
You don't need either one. Kindle Arrows makes your attack fiery all by itself.

Ryan Neveow

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005


I've been running the same build as chris' for a while now and it works quite well for dmg. The only thing I have different is poison arrow as my elite, so I can get a degen in there to make the monks work extra hard. . This build works very well in random.

Murder In China

Murder In China


Join Date: Sep 2005


Looking for one


Anet should add a Quickshot spiker pre-made build.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

The Madison Scouts


Honestly, there may not have been patch notes... but they clearly said when they did it that they were removing premades(I think two) to replace them with top-guild builds. The IVEX Trapper and Fi Boon Healer were the new ones added.

I'm guessing they took out the Flame Slinger because they were adding in the trapper(another ranger)

Manda Panda

Manda Panda

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Shadow Wanderers

I'm pretty sure both those builds were part of the game when I bought it in August, and the flameslinger has been removed since then.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by KvanCetre
Honestly, there may not have been patch notes... but they clearly said when they did it that they were removing premades(I think two) to replace them with top-guild builds. The IVEX Trapper and Fi Boon Healer were the new ones added.

I'm guessing they took out the Flame Slinger because they were adding in the trapper(another ranger)
The DW Healer was another one, came from the guild Dynasty Warriors.

Well, there are more than one premades for some of the other professions, so I don't understand what's with only having the ranger trapper build. However, with Factions we've got two new ranger builds, the Fang of Melandru (uses blades) and the Brutal Bombardier, which actually is a bow build.

However, the Flame Slinger is a great build and I recommend it to any R/Es, and it was good to have it when it was in the premade build list.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


It might be that the next nerf makes Great Conflag unusable in the they took it out in advance..or maybe not : P