I've seen that boss mobs are wreathed in a colored aura. I read a post that stated the colors represented what the boss was, I.E. Yellow for warrior.
I was wondering what the other boss colors represented.
Also, I have a lvl 13 W/R. I have yet to really find him very viable. I generally use the pet only, with the comfort and an attack buff for the pet. Granted I don't suck totally, just having issues.
So, anyone have a W/R? I hear there's a skill that deals a poison dot and a blind skill. Not deleting him, or shelving him, just wondering if these skills are still a few lvls off or lurking around somewhere close.
2 questions
Auntie I
I think that the colors align with the class colors. The background for warrior skills is kinda yellow, ranger - green, mesmer - purple, monk - blue, elementalist - red? and necro - ?? I haven't played the last 2 too much. The 2 skill you mentioned, are Ranger Skills(I think). The poison one only works with arrows (really cool though) I'm not sure about the blindness one.
Actually, you get two poison skills I believe and 1 only works with bow....called poison shot or something like that and other works as a skill use I think. The poisons come a good bit down the line. I'm to lion's and haven't found mine yet. However, I may have missed it.
From what I've found, and it's not very much, the blind skill is called "Kick Dirt".
I havn't found anything for sure on that but if so, it shows hope for my poor W/R.
Biggest reason I made a W/R was because of the Ithas Poo, i mean bow,
. Not overly pleased with it, but I may go 10 hammer(i do love hammer) and 10 marksmanship and rest in strength(or tactics as I dont recall what the skills i use are in atm, too early and no coffee).
And thanks for the color info, that helps alot.
I havn't found anything for sure on that but if so, it shows hope for my poor W/R.
Biggest reason I made a W/R was because of the Ithas Poo, i mean bow,

And thanks for the color info, that helps alot.