Ray Long
A scruffy young man with an eastern flavour, brought up from a single
parent family in the woodlands, the boy was taught in ways of survival
from natural resources.
Nothing exstooranry about the young teen, but his maker and his mother,
has been through a rather unusual journey to have the baby Ray.
Sara Hunt was her name; fair skinned with dark blond hair, light blue
eyes with thick pale lips and stands five-foot and a nine. She is an
educated person with a serious character, and was one of the favourites
in the fencing circle before she joined the Militia. As a female with
her potential, she gained a lot of support from the commoners,
especially from the women. With such high profile among the subject,
she was an up and coming Sheriff of the town. And this town lived a
powerful noble marchant, who has connections with many different levels
of the society. With a shining personality as well as being successful
at the same time, naturally, this makes him an enemy of many. Knowing
this, he formed a rooster of captain guardsmen, all six of them are
highly skilled fighters, informants and assassins, together, and they
have allowed their master the power in choosing life or death for
The merchant grown in power, his forces became so highly profiled that
the subjects thought they were the laws. An execution on such head in
the business monopoly would benefit many, but who could attempt to
assassinate such powerful merchant, who has network throughout the know
areas, and, without being know? From an unknown source, a connection
with an assassin house from the Far East is established, an assassin
simply knows as the "Eastern Man" was hired.
The jonuery of the coming of Eastern Man was living as a myth, at
first, no one was certain about his arrival, or his whereabouts. There
has been a number of potential Eastern Man from time to time, but
looking back, perhaps the most likely description about his jounery
could be that, after three years of his departure, he could have been a
certain marchant travelled along the Silk Road. The give a way was his
behaviour and discipline as a young merchant, who did not desire lust,
or the entertainment.
But rumours of the Eastern Man came in waves of different sightings and
descriptions, but none realistic. Until a number of years later, a
group of young eastern monks was attacked during their visit in the
West. It is here where the Eastern Man has revealed himself from his
display of a very different technique in unarmed combat comparing to
the monks.
The Eastern Man stood five foot eight, deep dark eyes with a rounded
nose on a flat face. He strides calmly, even being exposed, and he
simply walked away before any alterness from the potential interests.
By this time, the town Militia has already established a special unit
in the hunt of the Eastern Man, and so have been for the last two
years. Sara Hunt has been picked for this unit, started off as the
second in command in such unit merely made to kiss the backside of the
godlike marchant, since he funded almost everything in town including
the Militia. But with the lacking of result, it was disbanded due to
the high demand of resource, and after the two years, only Sara was
left to continue the project.
While Sara was excited about the news since the sighting of the Eastern
Man, it taken her a future year to find a weakness of her target. The
Eastern Man has adopted a pup wolf, and a pup wolf which has now fully
grown. The wolf always walked within two miles behind the Eastern Man,
giving hits the whereabouts of its master.
The trace went on, and Sara has often been close in meeting the target,
until one winter.
It was a bright clear morning, with endless snow slowly falling to the
ground, tender sunlight bouncing all around from the soft and white
surrounding, given Sara an extra flow of energy. Sara was following her
target, and the snow was so soft that it showed the footprints clearly.
But due to the endless snowfall, Sara could only have taken the
advantage of the footprints if she tracks her target in speed.
And so she rushed.
She followed the foot prints of a light footed man, then, the weather
changed, it became windy and the snow were no longer as soft, the wind
and the dense snow came down from different directions, caused a
mixture of confusions. Now she was only left with the footprints of a
wolf, knowing she is delayed but the wolf could have still provide
enough link to keep up her hope.
But when the weather has changed yet again, to the worse, she became
conscious of her surrounding, only then she realised she has came to a
high mountain, slowly being trapped by the violent and rapid snow fall.
With the violent wind and below freezing temperature, she has naturally
came to a black out state of mind, with only flashes moments of
contousness, images of the dark snow falling on her face, and the
feeling on her body begun to fade.
The feeling of a grey coloured emptiness is such nothingness of the
falling mind of a dying body.
Then a feeling of a brush like object came on her face, warm, but
leaves a windy chill after each stokes, repetitively brushing her.
Then, a weight gently crashed on her chest, she was awakened, and she
was saved. She opened her eyes with all her effort, only come to a view
with a large wolf head, and fully filled the whole of her observation.
With a few pants from the bad breath of the wolf, Sara knew this was an
intentional rescuer, she looked around for the director of the rescuer
team, and then looked up against the sun, and there stood the Eastern
Man as a solieite. With the sun rays bleeding towards to Sara's eyes
from around the man's body, she could just about to worked out the
man wore no more then two layers of cotton made clothing, cut into a
long and loose style.
His hair was long and fine, clearly shown the time length since he
disguised as the bold eastern monk a few year ago, with a simple piece
of cloth warping around just above his forehead, stopping the weight of
the hair falling over his face.
He has taken Sara into a warm cave allowed her to recover, and then,
they introduced themselves to each other and talked, and have spent the
rest of the day in each other's company.
The next morning, Sara found herself surrounding nobody else but the
hairy wolf, she looked around, realised the Eastern Man has left,
something told her that her target has gone loose to perform his job, a
job that she has been assigned to stop.
She rushed back to her town and saw smoke and fire from afar, and she
rushed through the crowds that were running away from the burning town.
She then came in front of the merchant's estate. It was told that,
large explosions have been set off throughout the town, and the sound
of fighting was heard from inside of the burning estate. Sara knew the
Eastern Man has completed his mission, without thinking or even
looking, she knew where the Eastern man went, and immedidaily followed
him into the forest.
The Eastern Man strode, but it was evidenced that by his movement, he
was injured from his mission. While Sara alone was on the pursuit
through the forest, the Eastern Man dodge in and out of her view, but
Sara was a quick marksman, shooting him with arrows whenever she gained
a full view.
The pursuit lasted half a day, eighteen arrows was fired, and ten had
landed, the Eastern Man was later found dead in a meditation form,
sitting below a tree.
It was Sara who found him.
After over half a year, the case was officially closed, a town without
the support of the rich merchant became a piece of meat being competed
in a circle of lions. Many businesses have been closed and the standard
of living became lowered for the subject. Nevertheless, Sara was
awarded the Ladyship for her effort, and was suggested promotion in the
Militia. But due to her pregnancy, she rejected the role and requested
to be outpost at the edge of the town, subsequently became the first
ranger of the town's own. Later, she aided many without homes, and
had helped rebuilding the community.
Lady Hunt became a well-respected ranger of her town, but she lives as
a lonely person, with only a small number of close friends. From an
attractive young woman, she became a weathered looking fighter, often
wears her dark blond hair all back just above the shoulders. Short
black rain cloak is worn no matter the weather.
Many think the giving of Ray was an unwilling act, but none dare to
confront the question to the popular ranger. What happened in the warm
cave the day Sara was rescued is unknown, but it is assumed that Sara
thought highly of the Eastern Man, as Ray is named "Long" for his
surname, which is most likely the same surname of the Eastern Man.
However, Sara feels forbidden to talk about the Eastern Man, and have
rarely mentioned him to Ray.
But this does not affect the love for Ray, Sara has given all she has
and enjoys loving her son. The two often seen riding together around
the forest and the wild land, exploring unfamiliar areas on their
horses. This could be partly responsible for the interest of Ray
wanting to become a Cartographer.
As Ray becoming a man, and was uncertain what he wants to be, Sara has
given him a task, a task which was also given to her by her father. Ray
is to set out away from his home, and find his own life and
Ray Long's Character Bio
Mustache Mayhem
Originally Posted by romeo_longsword
Ray Long
Sara Hunt was her name; fair alabasterd skin with dark blond hair, light blue
eyes with thick banging lips and legs that.. O.o man awesome story.. Ray Long is a pimp
Sara Hunt was her name; fair alabasterd skin with dark blond hair, light blue
eyes with thick banging lips and legs that.. O.o man awesome story.. Ray Long is a pimp