Can You Beat My Record Time?

XX Deathwish Warrior XX

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005

yes, 2 seconds, thats right

ok.... its IGAY..lets all get past that and just focus the 2 seconds!

i guess u could call this just being a little bored...
or really annoying!:P



Black Beast of Aarrrrgghh

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

The Biggyverse [PLEB] // Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

So, the other team just left...

What is your point???

Jiao Yang

Jiao Yang

Lunar Rabbit

Join Date: Dec 2005

unless its a glitch or the other team left like Makkert said, there is no way that you could have won in 2 seconds. It would take longer than that for the 2 teams to meet and kill each other.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

I live in Konglevegen


yes that is true, the last person must have left at that time and anyway you can see on the radar that the 2 teams haven't met and that everyone on the winning team is far away from them.
But still you see the corpses on the radar so they mut have taken suicide, it might be a minion factory team where someone left and than it wouldn't work so the remaining people just killed themelves

Senator Tom

Senator Tom


Join Date: Aug 2005




doesnt make sense...they couldnt have lost without their priest being killed unless they all left, but you still see corpses?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Washington State.



I guessing they were all necros or somepart necro and sacced themselves



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

BC, Canada.. how aboot that eh?

I fail to see the point of this.

The first one happens to me all the time in random pvp, I will just finish loading and it will tell me I won.

As for the second one, I'm not too sure what your taking pictures for, 40 minutes is not that much of a milestone.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005



Like the others have stated, there is something fishy here, can we all say glitch. Leet, LOL. How exactly did you manage to obliterate the other team in 2 seconds, especially given the fact that they arent in spell range, or bow range, or any range for that matter.Come on let us in on your secret ?



Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by XX Deathwish Warrior XX
yes, 2 seconds, thats right

ok.... its IGAY..lets all get past that and just focus the 2 seconds!

i guess u could call this just being a little bored...
or really annoying!:P Probally a group of mesmer/necro casting EoE and BYACCEDENT killing all themselves when 1 person was sopose to stay alive. EoE spike.



Join Date: Feb 2006

gotta be a fake
ive been in 3-4 matches where the other team just isnt there or all leaves
u gotta wait at least 1 minute before guild wars will even give you a win