17 May 2005 at 16:38 - 9
While I completely agree that the lack of any in-game mechanism to faciliate an actual economy is irritating, you can work with the current (lack of a) system.
When you want to sell, hit Lion's Arch or Droknar's Forge, make a concise, easily readable message, and send it to the trade channel WITH the price included. Change districts a few times, repeat the same message once in each district (shift up), then wait a bit. If you get any bites, great. You've already established the price, set a meeting point and offload. If they try to haggle, ignore them.
If you want to buy, same deal, but just flat out avoid people who go 'make offer' (alternately, always say 100g, regardless of what the item is - when they indignantly inform you its worth 1000, ask why they didn't say that in the first place :P). Buy items with marked prices. Watch the flow of spam for a few moments in each of those areas for items you may be interested in.
Basically, be firm on buying or selling prices, don't waste time with hagglers, and only go and mess with buying or selling when you're looking to offload good items or pick up something specific.
The rest of the time, filter the trade channel and roll your eyes at the Casino spam in general chat :P