Here is my first picture in a long time, a bit rusty and the worlds worst scanner...
I will try for myself get back into to drawing
Mesmer Portrait Sketch
Originally Posted by Ju_Smurph
Here is my first picture in a long time, a bit rusty and the worlds worst scanner...
I will try for myself get back into to drawing
Since I'm really not in the mood to offer ANY constructive criticsm, I can't offer anything other than random squealing and smilies and... Well, keep-goings.
I will try for myself get back into to drawing
Since I'm really not in the mood to offer ANY constructive criticsm, I can't offer anything other than random squealing and smilies and... Well, keep-goings.
Oooh, very good. Bit chubby :P
But otherwise, beyond my skill. Thumbs up.
But otherwise, beyond my skill. Thumbs up.
Murder In China
The neck is too thick...and the nose looks flat, place it at an angle.