Request for a skill abbreviation list



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Basically, I hate how if someone uses an abbreviation to name a skill (example: IWAY for "I Will Avenge You!"), if I dont know that particular abbreviation it makes me look pretty stupid, and people assume that i'm a really bad player. So I'd like some sort of list of common abbreviations that people use, particularly ones like SS where it could be referring to Spiteful Spirit or Shadow Strike or whatever. And if you think this is stupid, then please, please, don't bother flaming, just help me out, ok?

EDIT: To clarify even more, an example of a useful listing would be:

Zaishen Elite trapper spirit abbreviations:
EW = Energizing Wind
QZ = Quickening Zephyr
FS = Frozen Soil
EoE = Edge of Extinction


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005



The abbreviations are really just colloquial to the person(s) that you are playing with.

Most often, SS will mean spiteful spirit and shadow strike will be referred to as strike.

If all else fails, just ask a guild member or someone in the group.

A few other abbreviations or acronyms that I can think of are:

FoC – Feast of Corruption
SB – Spell Breaker
PS – Prot Spirit
AtB – Awaken the Blood
AoTL – Aura of the Lich

I am sure there are many others, but you should be able to figure out most of the acronyms as you become more familiar with the all of the skills in the game.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


And I'm not really that unfamiliar with the skills so much as unable to think of the skill as soon as I hear the acronym... and my main problem was that if I ask someone in a PUG they call me a dumb*** and tell me how much of a noob I am.