Online Serial Key Purchase
Billy The Fish
I was wondering if there is anywhere else i can purchase a serial key online apart from PlayNC, considering i bought GW for 17.99 on CD, i think £29.99 for just a serial key and no Physical item is highly overpriced no matter how great GW is.
Originally Posted by Billy The Fish
I was wondering if there is anywhere else i can purchase a serial key online apart from PlayNC, considering i bought GW for 17.99 on CD, i think £29.99 for just a serial key and no Physical item is highly overpriced no matter how great GW is.
Thanks |
note that you cannot merge two chapter one accounts
Billy The Fish
Looks like i will have to do that. As much as i would like to be playing with more Characters NOW :P
monk muffle
u double posted billy... this MUST be closed!!!!!!!!!
edit; leme rephrase
U POSTED TWICE IN THE SAME DAY ON YOUR OWN THREAD!!!!!!!! this must be closed!!!
edit; leme rephrase
U POSTED TWICE IN THE SAME DAY ON YOUR OWN THREAD!!!!!!!! this must be closed!!!
eh.. he didn't really double post. Loviator posted between his.
$17.99 on cd? Good deal. Where'd you purchase it? A friend of mine's looking for a cheap copy.
$17.99 on cd? Good deal. Where'd you purchase it? A friend of mine's looking for a cheap copy.
He said 17.99euro, which is $21.42. Still a pretty good deal.
Originally Posted by monk muffle
u double posted billy... this MUST be closed!!!!!!!!!
edit; leme rephrase U POSTED TWICE IN THE SAME DAY ON YOUR OWN THREAD!!!!!!!! this must be closed!!! |
Originally Posted by Tainek
this is either humour, or raw untapped stupidity...
someone was sore on getting an auction thread closed I think. lol anyways...
Remember you will ALWAYS get a better deal buying a Physical CD from a store as THEY will give you discounts or in store rebates... all kinds of options like that. But playNC will always sell for the MSRP... I mean why would they not? Its theirs and they control it... anyways... Maybe you should hold off till chapter 2 for buying a second game cause you will have an option at that point to either install as a standalone with 4 slots, OR add to your existing account for just 1 more slot... If you were getting an extra account for some reason anyways.. well that's a classic opportunity... without duplication in that case...
good luck... Word of warning though... 98% of the keys on Ebay and other non legitimate services are scams... They are often Old keys that have either been banned or locked out of the game by NCSoft for violations of the EULA in one way or another... So don't bother with those options... Your better off just going and picking up a new CD from a retailer...
Remember you will ALWAYS get a better deal buying a Physical CD from a store as THEY will give you discounts or in store rebates... all kinds of options like that. But playNC will always sell for the MSRP... I mean why would they not? Its theirs and they control it... anyways... Maybe you should hold off till chapter 2 for buying a second game cause you will have an option at that point to either install as a standalone with 4 slots, OR add to your existing account for just 1 more slot... If you were getting an extra account for some reason anyways.. well that's a classic opportunity... without duplication in that case...
good luck... Word of warning though... 98% of the keys on Ebay and other non legitimate services are scams... They are often Old keys that have either been banned or locked out of the game by NCSoft for violations of the EULA in one way or another... So don't bother with those options... Your better off just going and picking up a new CD from a retailer...
Same here. I bought my first physical game kit from a local internet shop for about 300 danish Kroner. Soon after I wanted to get one for my wife, and considered downloading from playNC, but the price of 350 Kroner for no physical kit was much higher than the 280 Kroner that the game from the internet shop costed at that time. Then we purchased a third account to share between us (so we can try all 6 professions each) and this time the internet shop was down to about 260 Kroner while the price at playNC was still the same.
Note that I am talking about a real legitimate game from an internet online sales shop, not a used game key from Ebay or whatever.
Note that I am talking about a real legitimate game from an internet online sales shop, not a used game key from Ebay or whatever.
Originally Posted by EnvyHax
He said 17.99euro, which is $21.42. Still a pretty good deal.
Armageddon has it for £17.99
Originally Posted by Armageddon has it for £17.99
thats where i bought my game copies from, got 3x accounts now, ...
Billy The Fish
Thanks for the Reply's
=HT=Ingram, I think i will wait till chapter 2, it would be common sense to do that anyway.
=HT=Ingram, I think i will wait till chapter 2, it would be common sense to do that anyway.
Alex Weekes
Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
Maybe you should hold off till chapter 2 for buying a second game cause you will have an option at that point to either install as a standalone with 4 slots, OR add to your existing account for just 1 more slot...
Please refer to the Factions FAQ for further up-to-date information.
Sorry Alex I wasn't meaning to focus on that aspect. this guy was just already wanting to buy another game to get 4 more slots, so I was actually saying since he already has 2 accounts, maybe wait till chapter two and install it standalone... so as to get that option for the third account... sorry. wasn't meaning to make it like it was slot propaganda. I don't do that kind of thing normally...
They have an oficial answer to this on the site where you can buy the serial key. Basically they say that this option (direct download) is much more convenient than ordering a CD and waiting for it, or going to a store, so you have to pay some extra money for this bonus. Funny, I always thought that direct download of software instead of buying the CD, manual, plastic box etc. should be cheaper.