Ivor Trueshot
Where exactly may I find this guy - Ranger trainer?
I found after crossing the wall.
Auntie I
When you're going to Fort Ranik Pre-searing he's on the top of a hill just before you cross the bridge. I haven't found him post searing yet!
Could you be more specific?
Just wanted to mention that there's also a 4th Ranger Trainer somewhere. I found him, but I found him accidentally, and I don't remember where, sorry.
Auntie I
Have you been to seen Barradin yet? There's a quest to get you there. (Little Thom's Cloak) He gives you a quest to go to Fort Ranik. On your way to Fort Ranik there is a bridge. Just before you cross the bridge there is a hill on your right. Climb it. He's on the top.
Auntie I
Originally Posted by mr_boo
Just wanted to mention that there's also a 4th Ranger Trainer somewhere. I found him, but I found him accidentally, and I don't remember where, sorry.
Post-sear he's in Piken.
Thanks Auntie I!!!
Auntie I
No Prob! Now to have another look around Piken Square. I didn't notice him the other day as I wasn't doing the Piken quests just wandering around.