Monk Abuse


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by Sarah Pyers
People in this thread have defended monks, and then turned around in the same post and said "if u get crap just dont heal that person."
Why should anyone take abuse? I won't put up with it, and if letting someone die to get their attention to knock it off their B.S. does the trick, I'll do it. I won't leave them dead, the first time. If it's coming from one person, why abandon the rest of the party? It's not fair to them, after all. If it's a problem with 2 or more people, I'll give notice that the abuse stops or I leave (Amazing how well that works ).

But, for Monks that abuse their position by stealing drops (That IS what they are doing when they let people die to get the drops) or charging exorbitant prices for candy-canes, that's garbage, too. You can debate what a fair price of CC's are, but IMHO, 1K is way too much - and in the mission area, especially Tombs, it's blackmail to charge someone that much. (won't happen in any party I'm in, as I always carry plenty of them)

The thing everyone needs to remember is that it's not the Monk (or Ranger/Ele/ Warrior/ etc.) it's the person behind the Monk (or Ranger/Ele/ Warrior/ etc.) To clarify: If a person playing a Monk is a jerk, that person will be a jerk no matter which profession they're playing.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Originally Posted by Kook~NBK~
charging exorbitant prices for candy-canes, that's garbage, too. You can debate what a fair price of CC's are, but IMHO, 1K is way too much - and in the mission area, especially Tombs, it's blackmail to charge someone that much.
That I disagree with. CC's are items so you can charge for them whatever people are willing to pay, just like anything else in the game. If the price is too high then dont pay it. It's a luxury item and people got along fine before they were in the game, so if you want it pay for it.

Francis Crawford

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

People who play all classes can be jerks. Indeed, I assume that most people, even jerks, have multiple characters in multiple professons. But:

1. Monks find it easier to be thieves.
2. Monks, good and bad alike, are more likely to say "If you don't do things my way, I'll quit, and that will end the party's chance for success."

Vermilion Okeanos

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Avaith Faer
I've seen almost every other class take advantage of players in the same way, and I haven't even been past Ice Caves of Sorrow yet (keep trying but... PUG's suck).
If you are stuck on the mursaat part (where the come in big number from behind right after you rescue Elevenia), you can actually just wait until the mursaat pass over first they will get kill by dwarf sieges while helping you to kill some dwarves.

Originally Posted by Avaith Faer
Please note that jciardha used a period. It was two different statements.
It was the in same paragraph with the same idea of argument.

Yes, you have to pay tribute to monk... while you don't really need to pay anyone else. They are your gods and godesses.

Vana The Everyoung

Vana The Everyoung

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Adelaide, Australia


Bad play / scamming is not restricted to any one character group or sex. The biggest problem is that with online games people are anonymous and things that they normally would not do they do.

The best way around this when playing in a pug group is to first talk to your group before you leave for the mission. Judge if you think they are trustworthy and always take screen shots of character names just in case.

I would like to see added to the game a self res that can be used say only 1 per mission, this would help with the people who camp on your body to steel your items.

Also it would be nice if the person can only see items they are allocated and that the item never becomes free.

If you are having problems with finding a trustworthy monk for missions I am free most nights that’s Adelaide Australia time.

Vana the everyoung
Healing prayers 15 diving healing 12

monk muffle

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005


well i know for a fact this is completely insane and maybe the group the monk was with before dropped the straw that broke the camel's back if you know what i mean. As a monk i cant friggin stand it i mean when i went to UW yesterday the group aggroed 2 mobs and one was the darkness group the group totally effed up because some dome dude ressed his pet when it was up near the darkness aggroed both mobs i couldnt handle the aggro becuase they werent moving out of meteor shower and i got backfire and diversion on me constantly making me choose either death or let team die and i decided team can wait ten seconds and they held for that long until grasping darkness got past and killed me then everyone started to die except the orders nec who thankfully had rebirth and guess what i was blamed for all that but luckily we still finished through all that and i got millius's pillar but anyways a monk can get pretty ticked sometimes with them getting all the blame although this is still obsurd and maybe if you had a vid recording this it would be more unbderstandable by A-Net on their part


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005



As a person familiar with the incident mentioned at the beginning of this thread through stories told to my by friendly guilds, I have to say personally I think it was a pretty lame move. However, one should not be personally leary just because 2 monks are in the same party, particulary a B/P trip into the new UW. I have done numerous runs now with 2 monks and have seen this trip go very smoothly with few or no deaths in 40-45 minutes. Also, 2 monks (particularly in a PUG) pretty much ensures that you will get rezzed and wont have to worry about the garbage described at the beginning of this thread.

All that being said, I can agree that I have had both heaps of praise (from people who understand how difficult good monking can be) along with heaps of crap from warriors and rangers intent on aggroing everything on the map, or the tanking elemental and blowing through my NRG as nothing but moving mana sinks. I can honestly say that I would never personally charge for my monking skills. I also dont use CCs unless they are given to me by someone else. (Mostly because I didnt play until the last 2 or 3 days of Wintersday). I also have been known to stand around giving away runes and weapons to new players in the first mission. I also try to undercharge whatever going rate is for whatever it is Im trying to hock, if I can make someones day by giving them a good deal on something, so be it, its no slack off my nose, and someone goes away happy.

Personally, I like the idea of having items not be released to the public unless you drop, or some of the other solutions in here (like picking up your items after the mission just like a regular one) It would solve all the issues like this and wouldnt take any more effort on Anets part than any of the other stuff (like nerfs) that they implement through periodic updates.

At any rate, good games to everyone...........and if you ever need a great healer, a decent bonder, or an emerging 55, look me up.

Pan T Wherer (monk extraordinaire)

Vermilion Okeanos

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Sounds like alot of good monks are offering to help in this thread, people shouldn't pass up a chance to have a good monk joining you. If everyone would just meet up like this, this kind of thread probably won't appear here again.

Now if the friendlist be a bit more friendly... =/

Good luck, have fun all.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Knights of the Void


Originally Posted by EnvyHax
Yeah, that sucks, but it's not really against the rules. Sometimes, you play with bad players.

BTW, I'm a pretty good monk at Ring of Fire at the moment, and would love to play with other people who know how to play ^_^

IGN: Ember Loreweaver
It's true! Envy is a good monk. I have done a couple missions with em' in which people had serious cases of idiocy. The stupid one was the only one that died over much. The tank lied about being a tank then left, it was great fun.


Site Contributor

Join Date: Sep 2005

38??16′ N 140??52′ E


I had a monk try to charge me 1k for a candy cane when my ranger got owned by the Wurm Siege in The Courtyard.

I politely declined and he/she stopped healing me completely. Killed by the next mob. "i still have a cc, u buy, u have bad dp now of course? 1k i sell"



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Knights of the Void


Originally Posted by koneko
I had a monk try to charge me 1k for a candy cane when my ranger got owned by the Wurm Siege in The Courtyard.

I politely declined and he/she stopped healing me completely. Killed by the next mob. "i still have a cc, u buy, u have bad dp now of course? 1k i sell"

I missed out on the wintersday fest by just a bit. I only had time to do the quests, not to see what other cool stuff was going on. By the time I found out about candy canes it was too late. If I did have them though, I wouldn't charge for them mid mission. That is crap. Especially on that mission, it is almost easy if you have the right group. I had to leave that mission the first try with my monk, someone was making it very hard to do my job. I told everyone that I would be back in a few minutes and would help them if the other wasn't along. I did come back, I helped because I said I would. They still brought this other guy that was messing things up. Only this time they saw it too. Too bad we didn't get it because he was still on his lets screw things up trip.

When I was doing THK with my Ranger I messed up and died. The dp made me die a couple more times in the courtyard. Someone was nice enough to GIVE me a candy cane. Reguardless of the price of candy canes in general, a monk to offering them after you die just looks bad.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Originally Posted by koneko
I had a monk try to charge me 1k for a candy cane when my ranger got owned by the Wurm Siege in The Courtyard.

I politely declined and he/she stopped healing me completely. Killed by the next mob. "i still have a cc, u buy, u have bad dp now of course? 1k i sell"

That is a pretty lame and sad story, but if you got as far as the courtyard, you also could have tried another tactic. Continue to play, but stay far far back out of range of everything. In other words, if the monk refuses to heal you, just refuse to contribute to the fight with the exception for the one or two enemies that you can safely shoot at from far away. You regain your DP pretty quickly in the Tombs UW, as long as you are participating somehow in the battle.

This tactic would have solved several things: 1) that idiot monk will feel cheated and stupid, and maybe rethink his new way of making money, 2) your efforts of getting as far as the 3rd level would not have been wasted, and 3) keeping your fingers on the print screen button, perhaps the monk will get so mad that he/she says something that you could send to Anet to get him/her banned for indecent gaming behavior. Your teammates may or may not have been so happy for you hanging back, but then you just need to explain why.



Join Date: Dec 2005


Kurt's Royal Guardians


Originally Posted by fiery
I don't wanna say be smart next time so be cautious. If you have done B/P build before its useally 5 B/P 1 MM 1 Order and 1 Monk. If theres 2 monks extra protection? I say no, and just leave the group. It has been done when occurences such as this has happend. Not being ressed and losing drops. Bring skills to help yourself in danagerous conditions or when your kiting away. ON the 4th map i make sure and take the most precaution to not die by the darknesses, cause if the darknesses are half health and you die. Will you get a res?

UH, theres only 3 parts to the tombs



Join Date: Dec 2005


Kurt's Royal Guardians


I have a funny monk story.

I was helping a guildie with the Villiany of Galraith. So we join a group in TOA with 5 and then a LvL 16 mo/w joins at end and starts spouting how he is pure healer and is there to save the day. I ignore him but think its funny because with the W/mo character i was using I did the Villiany by myself (forgotten to do it till after i beat the game). So we start up and i didn't have time to waste because i wanted to go to tombs. I just run out and start killing the first group. everyone catches up and joins in. At no time barely anyone was taking damage because all aggro was aimed at me which didn't take any live from me. so we start breezing through it and i notice that stupid monk start trying to heal me when i was at full life which i always was. I guess he was getting bored. Np until he yells in all caps for me to stop aggroing everything in front of us. I replied that i was in a hurry and it didn't matter because no one was even hurting.

Me: recharge for what? no one is even taking damage.
Jerk Monk: BECAUSE OF ME!!
Me: dude i can see the health bars and no one needs your help
Me: lol
Me: oh please don't do that! I might get a paper cut!
Me: gj

*10 min later* no one says anything and we're pwning

Me: Thanks for the healing man I new you would change your mind
Me: Then how do you explain my still being at full health?
Group Leader: please get along you 2

*monk runs and aggroes 10 phantoms and everyone but me dies*

Me: omg you are so immature, now how are we gonna finish?

*Jerk Monk leaves the game*

Group Leader: OMG kurt pls tell me you have res!
Me: Never leave home without it

*Ressed everyone and we beat the Quest 15 minutes later with no monk*


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005



VoG has phantoms? :|


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by KurtTheBehemoth
UH, theres only 3 parts to the tombs
UH, There's four.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by KurtTheBehemoth
UH, theres only 3 parts to the tombs
UH, There's four.

Ulivious The Reaper

Ulivious The Reaper

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

The Shadowed Assassins


Originally Posted by torkerphish
VoG has phantoms? :|

yes those level 20 anonying things that pop outa the ground

gimpy wimmer

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006


Shadow Knights [SK]


Originally Posted by KurtTheBehemoth
I have a funny monk story.

I was helping a guildie with the Villiany of Galraith. So we join a group in TOA with 5 and then a LvL 16 mo/w joins at end and starts spouting how he is pure healer and is there to save the day. I ignore him but think its funny because with the W/mo character i was using I did the Villiany by myself (forgotten to do it till after i beat the game). So we start up and i didn't have time to waste because i wanted to go to tombs. I just run out and start killing the first group. everyone catches up and joins in. At no time barely anyone was taking damage because all aggro was aimed at me which didn't take any live from me. so we start breezing through it and i notice that stupid monk start trying to heal me when i was at full life which i always was. I guess he was getting bored. Np until he yells in all caps for me to stop aggroing everything in front of us. I replied that i was in a hurry and it didn't matter because no one was even hurting.

Me: recharge for what? no one is even taking damage.
Jerk Monk: BECAUSE OF ME!!
Me: dude i can see the health bars and no one needs your help
Me: lol
Me: oh please don't do that! I might get a paper cut!
Me: gj

*10 min later* no one says anything and we're pwning

Me: Thanks for the healing man I new you would change your mind
Me: Then how do you explain my still being at full health?
Group Leader: please get along you 2

*monk runs and aggroes 10 phantoms and everyone but me dies*

Me: omg you are so immature, now how are we gonna finish?

*Jerk Monk leaves the game*

Group Leader: OMG kurt pls tell me you have res!
Me: Never leave home without it

*Ressed everyone and we beat the Quest 15 minutes later with no monk*
haha gg and btw i dont see why anyone would take a monk with a secondary besides necro or mesmer those are only 2 with nrgy management




Join Date: Dec 2005

Afk Mac N Cheeze Dun [LOOL]


Originally Posted by gimpy wimmer
haha gg and btw i dont see why anyone would take a monk with a secondary besides necro or mesmer those are only 2 with nrgy management
Um no they aren't.... in PvE essence bond which is a MONK skill is 10x more effective then OOB or any mesmer skill there is...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

referring to the monk story and well any other scamming senario i believe that people who betray over pixels are sad sad people and therefor have already been punished so you should just laugh at them and wonder how they gonna get through life in that way of thinking

Dandy Warhol

Dandy Warhol

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


Final Countdown [GOB]


Having played as pretty much every profession (excluding Necro), I can understand the dynamics of what goes on in a mission at least pretty well. Not that I sympathize with the scammers monks the OP was talking about, but I can understand why monks can be rude and why more aggressive classes can be rude.

Take the other day. I'm playing Aurora Glades with this monk build I've set up. We even have another monk on the mish with us.

So things are going along just fine. I have screens I took showing this warrior telling us we were the best monks he'd ever seen. Now, that wasn't true. At least in my case, I could definitely use some work. But things are really going swimmingly.

So we're about half way through and the party somehow ends up going three different directions, right? One warrior and one ranger ran ahead and were attacking things and this left me in the middle of all of these groups aggroing left and right. I couldn't even see some of the party members they were so far off the mini-map in opposite directions. So I'm having to make a snap decision of which group I follow (since both groups are taking damage and I have no idea where the other monk is). So I follow the group where I know he's *not*. But I'm too late to save the ranger.

And so the ranger dies. As I'm ressing him, he's like, "omg 2 monks n i couldnt even be kept alive. suckks."

This was entirely not my fault or the other monks fault. And no one disagreed with me when I said that the ranger was not speaking honestly.

So on the one hand, there you have monks just building pressure by being abused by foolish aggro-players. And then on the other hand, you have instances where the monk is just being a twit, as exemplified in this topic.

Poor trust is built up because of this between the classes and... viola! Stereotypes about the different classes form.

Everyone should just be nice to eachother. ;_; It'd save so much trouble.

And yeah, I'm a newbie to the boards, so completely disregard this, 'cause it's probably uninformed and repetitive.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005

H Town

Order of the Mursatt


Monking is a bitch. Very Stressfull, People whine alot when they die. And call you noob etc...


Site Contributor

Join Date: Sep 2005

38??16′ N 140??52′ E


Originally Posted by Anarchy!
Monking is a bitch. Very Stressfull, People whine alot when they die. And call you noob etc...
I got a blind invite in Hell's Precipice while I was refining a new boon/prot build on my monk. Five W/Mos, one W/Me, one N/Mo (minions). Of course, we didn't make it very far since a) the necro was spewing obscenities/being very rude and b) whammos didn't understand to kill the bloody imps that spike with Mind Burn first.

"n00b monk, heal!!11one rez rez rez rez rez n00b omg u suk"

I don't play on my monk that often anymore.

But yes, the morons in GW that pull stunts like in the OP's story aren't limited to just one profession...

Dandy Warhol

Dandy Warhol

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


Final Countdown [GOB]


Originally Posted by koneko
the necro was spewing obscenities/being very rude
Wow... People like that suck.

After having a guy telling the team to kill ourselves (and, in quotes, "seriously") after we lost Thirsty River tonight, I'm wondering how many people play this game under some form of intoxication.

It's a freakin' game and I've seen way too many people who act like it's a life and death battle. :|

We lost because the warrior pulled all of the forgotten into us and he's like, "you guys are so stupid. noobs. go kill yourselves. seriously." as we're standing around in the Thirsty River lobby. Bleh.

Shyft the Pyro

Shyft the Pyro

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005



Originally Posted by koneko
I got a blind invite in Hell's Precipice...
And that's where things went wrong. If the party can't take the time to PM the monk when the monk isn't responding to "Need monk" requests, the party won't be waiting for the monk to recover his energy or catch up with the aggro. Just Say No to blind invites


Site Contributor

Join Date: Sep 2005

38??16′ N 140??52′ E


Originally Posted by Shyft the Pyro
And that's where things went wrong.
Well, I was bored and felt like trying out the build. Worst-case scenario thing with energy management. I normally don't do blind invites anyway :|

My point still stands on the "n00b monk" thing. But I digress. :|

Lady Lozza

Lady Lozza

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005


Angel Sharks


Vermilion, the premise of this thread was that all monks (primary profession) are jerks.

If we take this to be true (which it is not) then the solution is simple. Don't take a monk primary. Take a whole group of part monks. Spam heal party, heal area, whatever. My point is that monks (as a primary profession) are not necessary.

jciardha, true technically most professions are NOT needed. My wording was perhaps a little poor in this case. If you go with a trapper team to UW then you do NEED trappers. Certain maps are easy played in certain ways, and not so easy played in others. If you are using a certain team build on a certain map then there are certain professions that are VERY difficult to replace with another.

8 x E/Mo @ THK FTW - it was the most fun I've ever had

Yolanda Kai

Yolanda Kai

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Edmonton, AB, Canada


I don't think I've ever seen such a high turnover on monks as in Riverside Province. We were a mission only group and these brilliant wannabe tankers were charging towers left right and center. I guess it's just not that fun healing morons who go out of their way to get the group massacred halfway through a mission. Every time the party died the monk was the first to go.

I'm just about ready to get down to business on my first Monk primary character and dreading some of the situations where I'm gonna be expected to pull something out of my ass and save the group. Some of the best and worst people I've met online have been through Guild Wars, including my Counterstrike days

Monks seem to be really hit or miss. They're amazing and super patient or at a critical point in a mission they demand cash or they walk. Not many in the middle that I come across. You get the odd character more concerned with spamming Necro skills than healing anyone, but thankfully haven't run into one of those in a couple days.


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

Strange.. monk was my first PvE char that I made at release.. and back then no one ever yelled at me if they died or anything like that. Even since then playing other characters I don't hear much monk bashing, and if someone does then it's always a dumbass who got himself killed. Now I only play monk in guild pvp/gvg, so I don't have to worry about lamers complaining. I can still sympathize with the monks who get harassed though because I know how stressful monking can be once you pass up the Southern Shiverpeaks.

I still get mad at monks sometimes.. there are some dumb monks who don't know what the hell they're doing, but I keep it to myself.

Yolanda Kai

Yolanda Kai

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

Edmonton, AB, Canada


Well in the very beginning everybody was a "nub" or whatever you want to call em

Anyway the only character I run in missions that's totally reliant on Monk support is my Echo Nuker. Aura of Restoration only goes so far. The rest of the time I've always gone "safety first" in missions and taken enough defensive skills to stay alive if something goes bad.

It's crazy how often you play something like THK and there's 2-3 Warriors getting knocked down and kicked around by Giants because they decided to take another sword skill instead of Dolyak Signet. Taking 40% less damage and staying on your feet was a good thing last I checked

Anyway I'm quite certain people could wean (very sorry for the shot in the dark spelling) themselves off of Monks if they were prepared to take a few extra minutes to get the job done.


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

I know what you mean.. as a Warrior I always had to bring IWAY along in case my entire team decided to die.. can't tell you how many times that plus Endure Pain saved me from losing a mission. Of course then I would res a monk who brought Restore Life instead of Rebirth, and it's over anyway.

Lady Lozza

Lady Lozza

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005


Angel Sharks


LOL Falcon, you should check to make sure that prot monks have rebirth on them before entering the mission. Most do, but you should check anyway to avoid hassles



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Not all monks are bad! Of course we know this, but it was again proven to me last night. We were a group of 7 friends (2W, 2E, 1R, 1Me, 1Mo) and wanted to do a trip to FOW, but we needed that last monk to complete the party. None of us had any monk friends online. And I very much disliked the idea of taking an unknown monk into the party because you just don't know what you will wind up with.

Our party, by the way, included some friends who have never been to FOW before, so although we play well as a group, it could be expected that mistakes will happen this trip.

Well, despite there being very few monks around (as usual) we did find one that was interested in joining our group (we advertised as being a friendly friends group in need of one more monk). And he was actually great! Good monk, fun to be with, and he obviously enjoyed being with our party. This is despite the fact that the people who were new to FOW made some aggro mistakes and seemed often a bit confused. Because of this, our new monk tried to be the group's teacher and leader, but not in any manner that was overly dominating or insulting to any of us.

So, wow, yes, you can find good monks out there!

Minus Sign

Minus Sign

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


To the original poster:

Good for it! I hope you had a chat text display too showing people asking to be rezzed, lying dead on the ground while that cheap scam guild stood around waiting for the timer to run out. If you don’t I’m still certain that Anet will drop a serious hammer on those players’ toes. While it’s their policy to never reveal the action they took against offenders, I have no doubt that they DO take action. Been playing PvP for a little while now and I ALWAYS take screenshots of AFK players and send them to Anet. Before I started doing this, I would see the same AFKer in RA 2-3 times a day (newb PvPer so that’s where I practice). Once I started to report them, I don’t see them anymore.

As for this being a “monk scam” I have to draw a line though. Even if the necro guildie didn’t have rez, it’s the fault of this guild that they have 3 very poor spirited players in their midst. I hope you wrote down their names and the abbreviation of their guild. If you ever see another member, inform them that those 3 players scammed/exploited the game and your team in new UW and that you have proof via screenshots that you would LOVE to email to their guild leader. With Factions coming up, guild alliances are going to be big business, and guilds with sullied reputations—not just their members--will be left out of the loop and the loot.

This isn’t the first I’ve heard or seen of things like this. Playing as the prot monk in low looting SF, our Wa/Mo dropped the gear after a gold armor dropped for one of our necros. This caused agro to shift to everyone else and the team died. We ressed and he kicked up sprint, outrunning the group back to the original fight were the item timer had counted out and proceeded to pick up the goodie for himself. There are many people—no matter what their profession—who are greedy selfish jerks and need to find a new place to vent their anti-social behavior. Its not limited to just monks.

But this thread is.

You don't need to hire monks to play. You don't need cc. But act like a jerk to a monk and I guarantee you they will quit, no one wants to, nor has to, put up the type of stuff that I've had to put up with while monking. If you don't want your monks to quit, be nice to them, it really isn't that hard.
Quoted for Truth

While flaming others isn't just reserved for monks (Stupid Warrior; cowradly Ranger), we do get the bulk of it.

People take the monk profession for many reasons: they want to farm 55hp, they think monks are cute, the think monks are easier because you don’t have to worry about monsters, just players. Or…

BECAUSE THEY WANT TO HELP THE GROUP! The same reason you see many monks charging for service is the same reason why when you enter Augery the place is swarming with monks in rune armor; farming:

Abuse against players will not always get them to delete a character they love. It will, however, get them to stop playing with you. Many main character monks turn to soloing or guild only play—not because they don’t like the game or helping people through missions—because they don’t like how PUGs treat them.

I can’t wait for the Ritualist to come out so some of that focus will finally shift to another class.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005



Typical thing happened this evening... I usually play a healer, but have been attempting the bond thing as of late. 8 person Forge attempt, we were almost done with the first part (no thanks to the tank, who, I can only assume came straight from ORO or FA runs, as his primary attack mode was run in, agroo 2 or 3 mobs and then stand there), when the tank did his thing and agrood everything that was left past the Rasts Gate. The two healer monks who were with me took a croak, and then everything started beating on Rast. There were like 3 of us left after all was said done, backpeddling to try to stay alive as 2 mobs of agrood stuff was coming at us. I had already rebonded myself and the 2 living players at this point and was at about mid NRG, when the other 2 monks started yelling 'Bond Rast'. I proceeded to bond Rast with Barrier and Life (25 NRG total) and they are then yelling 'GET ME UP, GET ME UP'.

No way I could do it, why? Yes, I brought restore life, when I said so, the comment from the 1 of the 2 healer monks was, you didnt have any bonds up? Well....I had barrier and bonds on 3 people (2 surviving members and rast) as well as one bond on myself as I was backpeddling, seeing as the last bonds I cast were on Rast.....If I had used rebirth...guess who would have been at the mercy of the agroo mobs even quicker, and with skills disabled for 4 or 5 seconds.......? Would the outcome have been any different? I think not, nonetheless, everyone left in a huff, having not said a word to the ORO tank. Kinda pissed me off....


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005


I think they should change the current system of drops, if someone is still on the map dont let the item/s change to anyones game, it is poor to see this happening.

Only time it should be changing to anyones hands is when someone leaves the map. But even then if a bullwark drops I could see the ultimate stalemate, the people alive waits until the other one logs off or leaves?

Or perhaps add in a 5min little res on a team mate while others are still there.

I highly doubt this will happen, but its annoying when things like this do happen.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005



this may be a little off topic, but its still about monks. 55-smiting monks to be specific. 55-monks that run past the group of aatxes just before the smites and leave you there. monks that dont have SB, and bring SoJ. im so sick and tired of the vast majority of 55-monks that just have to have that extra 5k. not to mention 90% of them are terrible.

EDIT: also most of the monks that leave me to smite alone, ive found, are korean..

sun is in us

sun is in us

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Organic Soup

Of the Day


Hopefully Rt will start diffusing the Rule of the Monks a bit.....and o' course extremely situational but this will at least screw a few of the scamming monks perhaps someday....

Lively Was Naomei - 15 en 6 cast 20 recharge
Spell. Hold Naomei's ashes for up to 60 seconds. When you drop her ashes, all party members in the area are resurrected with 15% Health and zero Energy.

Just be holding it when you die and perhaps you have a 2nd chance....


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006



LOL, I have to say that I am a monk and that I do sell CC at 1 plat. why? easy. you should NEVER.. EVER! go to a high lvl mobs area without being properly equipped (which really means have a few CC with you just in case).

Ppl who dont play smart pay more or stay dead.

now your choice, spend 1 k and have 0 dp or be dead most of the game dead and with 60% dp.

although those monks which leave ppl dead just to gain benefit I find it to be abusing and something which should not happen.